Fuck. How is everyone? I know. I'm never on here. Online blogs exhaust me. I only regularly update Xanga, but I hae a MySpace, LiveJournal, and this thing. Ah, well.
Um, working overtime at Houlihan's. Still not back in school. Joe and I pretty much broke up; he's positive he's leaving for the Marines no later than September. We're still enjoying each other's company while he's around.
Um... yeah.

Um, working overtime at Houlihan's. Still not back in school. Joe and I pretty much broke up; he's positive he's leaving for the Marines no later than September. We're still enjoying each other's company while he's around.
Um... yeah.

not much happening here really.
but glad to see that you're still around!
and sorry to hear about the break-up. those things suck.