First update in quite some time! I have been extremely busy and life has been rather confusing for me the last couple of months. I moved back to London from Sarnia in May, and since then everything has been super hectic. I ended up finding out that my math grade was too low for me to continue into Nursing in the fall, so I have to wait until 2012 to go back to school.. which is kind of shitty, but eh, life goes on! So now I'm in London living with my parents again and deperately trying to find a job, which is proving extremely difficult. Who would think finding a job as a high school and college graduate would be so difficult? Especially in such a big city. Damn! but my search continues, and hopefully I can find something..sooner than later would be nice as my funds are running low.
Anyway.. I've been living the single life for the last couple of months. It was nice at first, but now I'm beginning to get that empty feeling. I realized after I left my ex that it was probably the biggest mistake I have made in my entire life. I have a part of me that wants to beg him to give me another chance, but when I left I hurt him quite a bit and I think the wounds are still fresh.. regardless, we are trying to remain friends. It's kind of a difficult thing to do when you spent such a long time in a relationship with someone and shared so many intimate moments. I don't know if it would be possible to see each other as just "friends". Any how, that is a very, very confusing matter and if I got any further into it I don't know if I could shut up haha.
I've tried going on a few dates.. what a nightmare haha. So now, I think I'm just going to live my life and not worry about love and loneliness. It is probably better that way.. less stress! haha
Now for a happy picture.. I like swings..even baby swings

Anyway.. I've been living the single life for the last couple of months. It was nice at first, but now I'm beginning to get that empty feeling. I realized after I left my ex that it was probably the biggest mistake I have made in my entire life. I have a part of me that wants to beg him to give me another chance, but when I left I hurt him quite a bit and I think the wounds are still fresh.. regardless, we are trying to remain friends. It's kind of a difficult thing to do when you spent such a long time in a relationship with someone and shared so many intimate moments. I don't know if it would be possible to see each other as just "friends". Any how, that is a very, very confusing matter and if I got any further into it I don't know if I could shut up haha.
I've tried going on a few dates.. what a nightmare haha. So now, I think I'm just going to live my life and not worry about love and loneliness. It is probably better that way.. less stress! haha
Now for a happy picture.. I like swings..even baby swings

Sorry about the college, job, and relationship situation, though. BUT things will work out.
Time is always a good thing when it comes to college and relationships...and well, finding a job in this city sucks - regardless of your educational background (:mad
Hang in there!