Well hello there......what a long grusome weekend. I moved a desk, a dresser and a table yesterday and am finding it hard to move today, im so deathly out of shape it makes me want to cry, i feel like a 90 yr old lady. I drank WAY too much beer this weekend and didnt do much but play some pool watch Open Water ( which was pretty good ) and furniture shopped. So now im sitting here at work staring at my computer screen being the bonafide slacker i am and whooping it up on SG. Not much exciting happening as of yet, but Interpol will be here in 5 days...count um 5 days, am i excited ? you bet your sweet ass i am...... i recommend them to anyone and everyone, im even gonna buy an Interpol hoodie ..what what !! before i blabber for days im ending this post.
until we meet again .....
Ci Est La Vie
until we meet again .....
Ci Est La Vie

Sounds like my weekend, I helped a friend pick up a piano and take it up his stairs to his apartment, that was fun. Then I had to help another friend take a bunch of garbage to a dump. I guess thats what I get for having a truck..