Ahhh...what a weekend, its soooo cold and snowy and it makes me miserable my car hasnt started the past two mornings arrgggg ..
so ive been late to work. oh well what are yah gonna do. So i have made a new folder of Pics ive become a photography whore since i got my camera and its been so cold and theres not much to do, and the funny thing is they are mostly of Me, Michelle or the damn Chihuahua's .... go figure
Cheeck out Axel and I ... he's pretty cute..i think? haha !!

Cheeck out Axel and I ... he's pretty cute..i think? haha !!

cute converse tee though.

buk up little camper. It can't stay cold forever. Besides even if it does you can always invite Axel over to watch some flix, turn the heat down and use it for an excuse for some snuggle time.