2006 Not resolutions, but a TO DO list:
-Will be purchasing my first handgun before my birthday as I found out that you just need to be over 18 to buy one. Then I will be taking a class to receive a carry permit. Just for fun. I will most likely take the class even before looking at firearms. I would like a 6 shot, but will most likely start out with a semi auto Beretta. Dad mentioned the Desert Eagle, but I think thats a little excessive. For now anyway.
-Will NOT be turning 35 or 36 in 2006; If you read my entries closely, you will know how old I am.
-Save money so I at least have some numbers to look at when I go to my online banking page. Starting at the end of January, I hope to have at least a 4 figure number there at all times.
-Figure out a plan of action on getting my spine repaired. It obviously isn't healing if it randomly swells up to the point of me not being able to twist it at all.
-Maybe decide to actually join the list of 900 something girls on the site. . .maybe not. I'm not good at being a little fish in a big sea. I love the community here, but am not thrilled with the changes and seemingly "open model enrollment". My favorite models are all pretty much th OG's. . .and theres good reason that they are still around . . .they are beautiful, unique, interesting, and intelligent. It's bullshit that girls are joining for the sheer novelty of being an SG.
-By the summer, I hope to have my lower back tattoo reworked with a massive addition. And the money to pay for this idea.
-2005=lost the fat; 2006=get in shape again
I think this is a pretty good list of trivial shit for the year. Of course I do want the non trivial as well, such as good grades, to continue to do well at my job, stay healthy, and all that good shit. I don't make resolutions for the New Year, but rather realistic goals that I know I can reach.
-Will be purchasing my first handgun before my birthday as I found out that you just need to be over 18 to buy one. Then I will be taking a class to receive a carry permit. Just for fun. I will most likely take the class even before looking at firearms. I would like a 6 shot, but will most likely start out with a semi auto Beretta. Dad mentioned the Desert Eagle, but I think thats a little excessive. For now anyway.
-Will NOT be turning 35 or 36 in 2006; If you read my entries closely, you will know how old I am.
-Save money so I at least have some numbers to look at when I go to my online banking page. Starting at the end of January, I hope to have at least a 4 figure number there at all times.
-Figure out a plan of action on getting my spine repaired. It obviously isn't healing if it randomly swells up to the point of me not being able to twist it at all.
-Maybe decide to actually join the list of 900 something girls on the site. . .maybe not. I'm not good at being a little fish in a big sea. I love the community here, but am not thrilled with the changes and seemingly "open model enrollment". My favorite models are all pretty much th OG's. . .and theres good reason that they are still around . . .they are beautiful, unique, interesting, and intelligent. It's bullshit that girls are joining for the sheer novelty of being an SG.

-By the summer, I hope to have my lower back tattoo reworked with a massive addition. And the money to pay for this idea.
-2005=lost the fat; 2006=get in shape again
I think this is a pretty good list of trivial shit for the year. Of course I do want the non trivial as well, such as good grades, to continue to do well at my job, stay healthy, and all that good shit. I don't make resolutions for the New Year, but rather realistic goals that I know I can reach.
Actually, I'm in the Gaming industry
. I didn't go to school for it, I was lucky as hell.

for me 2006 and well not any resolution I arrive never has to hold them except that I will have 36ANS which shit