Pissed off. . .AGAIN. Why the fuck would SG allow some dipshit article like this to go up?Dipshit Article to be found Here
I don't want any political comments. This article is poorly written, distatasteful, off topic, and also has no credentials. This site is just one shit storm posted after another. It's careless and tasteless. I'm choosing not to be a part of...
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I don't want any political comments. This article is poorly written, distatasteful, off topic, and also has no credentials. This site is just one shit storm posted after another. It's careless and tasteless. I'm choosing not to be a part of...
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What he said was so off base for the general taste of this website, I honestly think that dude just writes shit like that solely to get people all worked up. I think maybe the site administrators allow his articles to get posted so they can laugh at the people uptight enough to flame him. It's okay to laugh at stupidity sometimes and not take it so seriously. I may be wrong about that guy specifically, but adopting a less serious outlook on that kind of idiocy will really cut down on the number of unnecessary panic attacks you may end up suffering in life. 


Well, I'm getting ready to go out for my birthday and I feel fine today. I'm sure that some hard liquor will fix that. So I found some people to meet up with at Cruefest on the Sunset July 15th. I will be driving out there alone it looks like. Oh well, I'm sure it will be a good time and a good chance to...
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Heading out to the Whisky for Crefest? Never been to a Crefest but have to the Whisky a few times. It's one of those places where it is cool because so much history is there. But on the other hand it is not-so-cool because of the $8 drinks. I'm sure Crefest should be a blast, though.
And a happy birthday to you! Hope you had fun.
And a happy birthday to you! Hope you had fun.
So, I will be able to start my birthday celebration in 24 hours and I'm pretty sure that I have an ulcer. I thought it was odd that every time I drink any alcohol, I was getting a massive hangover when I've never had them in the past. Today I had some chinese food about 6 hours ago and feel like hell. Zantac and Tums...
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Have a great bday. I just celebrated my 40th.
Depends where you got the chinese food. There are some sketchy places around here. It could be under cooked... or something less than normal meat. I mean, I know that I for one am quite allergic to dog in my mu shu. heheh.
Inspite of the stomach issues, a verry merry pre-birthday to you.
Inspite of the stomach issues, a verry merry pre-birthday to you.
It rained today for a brief few minutes, but it was just enough to fill my home with the thick scent of desert rain from the creosote bush that is outside my window. I love that smell.
you need to let me know when, so maybe I can go too? I needs me a 45.

It's unfortunate that a) people would harass you about any pictures you posted, whether clothed or not.
And b) one must have body mods to be a member of the iam/bme community. I'm too wary of needles to get anything pierced, and I just haven't found any ink I want to put on my body. That said, hello there!
My favorite scent is actually while it's raining, when I'm in my front yard and I can smell the grass all fresh and springy.
(yes, I know I'm a dork.
And b) one must have body mods to be a member of the iam/bme community. I'm too wary of needles to get anything pierced, and I just haven't found any ink I want to put on my body. That said, hello there!

I'm back. . .and living in my new house pirating someone else's wireless. I will update more soon, providing they don't find out and boot me off.

- Hi there Sarah Ann! This is a personal invitation to come and hang out with the rest of the old farts (anyone over 30) on SG. Come on over and give the Geezers a test drive, we're all about fun. And speak loudly...
- PS - I love your wireless deal!!

- PS - I love your wireless deal!!
Bwahahaha! OK, you got me
! I was thinking you were mighty well preserved for 35!

I'm selling my Clarinet that I don't play anymore on craigslist.com. Here it is!
Send me a message if you are interested!
In other news, my move in date got pushed back.
Only 2 weeks, but I was hoping to move in ASAP. Oh well, I guess I have more time to buy some more crap.
Send me a message if you are interested!
In other news, my move in date got pushed back.

wow, you are very attractive, if you don't mind me saying so. well, tough if you do, cos i saidit , and i aint takin it back

Off to sleep. Sweet Dreams.
damned double postings!!!
[Edited on Apr 12, 2006 8:31AM]
[Edited on Apr 12, 2006 8:31AM]
It makes me happy that helping turtle cross the road makes you happy. That's beautiful.
I put my 10g glass plugs back in. Thats a tight squeeze from not having any jewelry in since January.
i had my ears up to 1 inch last may & now i think i might be able to fit a 6g or 4g in.
Your New Ink looks Great!
Its gonna be B-E-A-U-tiful!
Its gonna be B-E-A-U-tiful!

i love the new ink! you're making me envious...i just don't know what i want to get
take care!

take care!
Since when is Ozzfest trendwhore deluxe? Needless to say, I will not be attending this year. Thats ok, Slayer just went on sale.
since 2004....
Not really planning on seeing Slayer again. I love them, but i've seen them enough times to be happy. I think i'm getting too old, and too lazy.
I went through the Ikea website and racked up $700.00 worth of shit that I need to buy. Although, this is not too bad when you consider that the $700.00 includes everything to fully furnish an apartment, with an insane amount of cooking utensils, except for a couch, mattress for the bed, TV stand or TV. . .which I probably won't buy a TV anyways.
You have good taste in music. 
[Edited on Feb 17, 2006 8:32AM]

[Edited on Feb 17, 2006 8:32AM]

I want a tank of Red Belly Pirana. That would be sweet.
They are Beautiful, and Exciting!!!