The whiskey did the trick for the show but I paid for it the next day! The show was great-alot of energy packed into the Sokol audtorium. Fantastic show.
I'm in my second week of school now and miserable. I've overloaded myself with classes and have managed to get the most incompetant professors on campus. I'm starting to rock the boat a bit, and although the other students appreciate it I don't think my grade point average will. It's just so hard to eat shit after being out of school for ten years, but living on 25k a year won't cut it for the rest of my life. Bitch, bitch, bitch. I'm done-feel better.
I'm in my second week of school now and miserable. I've overloaded myself with classes and have managed to get the most incompetant professors on campus. I'm starting to rock the boat a bit, and although the other students appreciate it I don't think my grade point average will. It's just so hard to eat shit after being out of school for ten years, but living on 25k a year won't cut it for the rest of my life. Bitch, bitch, bitch. I'm done-feel better.