Hello SG community!! I just want to thank everyone who supports me and I will be writing a fucking novel shortly about my physical and emotional absence from life itself as well as this site! It's been a while since I wrote a blog and I promise to make it up to all my followers!! xoxo Sarabi_ 💖
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Hello everyone! This weeks SG blog homework is to share some fun … -
Let's just talk about this for a second...
So, my debut set mintyFresh is going live in 2 days and 12 hours! … -
Random Fact: Shameless
When I was 21, I spent 10 days in a psychiatric unit at a hospital… -
My favorite story from my family history
Time for some SG HOMEWORK so I hope you're all ready! This weeks t… -
Don't you love it when your best friend always keeps you in mind?!
So... my best friend better known as the wifey for lifey ;) is… -
13 DAYS!
Just ONE WEEK AND 6 DAYS until my debut set mintyFresh goes into m… -
The Best Day of my Life!
Hey guys! I just realized I've been slacking really hard on my SG H… -
What do you want to be remembered for?
Well it's that time of the week where I get to think about a good … -