This weeks SG homework is "What were your favorite video games as a kid?" This topic is amazing. As a kid I spent a lot of time with my SNES which makes this topic all too easy for me! My favorite games by far were Super Mario World and Turtles in Time! To this day Super Mario World is still one of my favorite games ever made! I used to blast through the levels button mashing not really knowing what I was doing but it is a very fond memory of mine. Sometimes I would prefer to play with two players and use Luigi because I was totally convinced he could jump higher! (I still think that's true). Now on to Turtles in Time... I have been a huge Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle nerd my entire life (including today)! Donatello is my favorite. I always liked him because he was smart and to be frank his bow staff was the ultimate weapon in that game, there is no denying that! As I grew older, probably about 8 or 9 it became all about Pokémon. The original 151 is where I learned that wild Pidgey's and Ratatat's were extremely annoying. I would also like to extend a big FUCK YOU to Gary. That smug look on his pixelated face when he would say "smell ya later" always pissed me off! My favorite was Pokémon Yellow Version because I always enjoyed having a Pikachu follow me around! If anyone is wondering my favorite Pokémon is Charizard. Lastly, just as a side note I played all three of these games as of recent. No but seriously I mean like within the last month! I had a really great time as a kid and these games not only served as entertainment, but they made me happy! A big shoutout to @missy , @rambo , and @lyxzen for the great topic and I'm really glad I was able to reminisce on the great times I had as a kid! Thank you to everyone involved in the SG community, your love and support is what keeps me going! THANKS FOR LETTING ME SHARE! xoxo Sarabi_