Hello all, I know I have not posted in forever and here is why: I am moving from California to Georgia in eleven days with my two beautiful little girls Tati & Ajae, I am planning my second wedding with my KICKASS fiancee, I am trying figure out how to cram all the subject matters that I need to cover into two years at GSU(starting this fall quarter) so that I can finish my BA and work on my MS and my PH.D, I am organizing important affairs in Georgia via the internet from California, I was dealing with a wicked child support case, and I am packing three peoples luggage so that we can fly to ATL! Whew! I have a lot of stuff on my plate in the next week and some change, but on the brighter side I got new tattoo on Sunday and I have lost 10lbs WOOOOOO, and I may have found a photographer in Atlanta to shoot another set with(cross your fingers for me)! Well I hope all is well with everyone and your families as well. Take care ya'll!
My New Ink! Love is Love. Peace

My tummy after two babies! Yea! Genetics, Exercise, and Calorie Counting.

My New Ink! Love is Love. Peace

My tummy after two babies! Yea! Genetics, Exercise, and Calorie Counting.

ummm I think today calls for a Happy B-day!!
Happy Birthday!