Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I am offically out of my 1st(miserable) trimester. I am now 13wks pregnant and I look about 20 wks
I feel great though. This year Halloween is gonna kick ass, I have a full afternoon/evening of trick or treating with my daughter(who will be snow white),and that night we are going to see my favorite play/musical THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS( with free tickets)! Iam beyond psyched about Halloween
Anyhoo, I have been thinking of a couple of awesome ideas for my next set(which will be post pregnancy) and can't wait to pop this baby out so that I can get back my body and continue sharing my nakedness with all of you
I will post some recent belly pics in the next two weeks are so after I move into my new home. Love ya'll

Congratulations pretty!!!!

congrats beauty!X