My trip to New Orleans is Wednesday! Yea! I cannot wait to get away from these snobby people that I am surrounded by. I swear nothing beats good old southern hospitality. I going to stuff my face with tasty foods hang out with all of my colorful friends (that I miss sssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooo much), maybe get some shading in my hip tattoos, and party like a chimpanzee with A.D.D! On another note, I have seriously been thinking about moving my daughter, my mother, and myself to an island in the Caribbean. I would love to raise my daughter in that type of enviroment, and I know it will work wonders for my issues. Hopefully everything will go as plan so that in the next two years we can make that oh so lovely move from chaos to peace. Tee hee that made me chuckle

Oh yay, I absolutely love photo journals so I'm glad someone appreciates them! 

The whole environment of the Carribean is just wonderful. The attitude is something completely different than what I am used to, being in Philadelphia (I grew up on the water, and I miss it everyday). I'd move there in a heartbeat, and I wouldn't even lock my doors.