I haven't gotten laid lately, so I have been having this very vivid and intense wet daydreams about random people I see. I must say that the mind is a very powerful thing because the dreams feel so real, that I am actually satisfied after climaxing from my thoughts
On another note, school is coming along will; in fact, I just found out that my paper about dual sexuality is in the running to be published in a national publication. So wish me luck. In addition to not getting laid my insomnia has come back with a vengence!
I have had a total of 6 hours of sleep, so far this week. I am serious running on empty, so much so that I starting to see things that aren't there. On a positive note the lack of sleep has allowed me to be ahead in my homework
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh! My birthday is this month (March 28th) I want hugs and kisses from all of you and a huge ass party! So get to planning guys and gals. Anywho I hope everyone is well and I'll keep you all posted

no sex, no sleep, you sound like me, only more satisfied.

Congratulations on getting your paper published....I hope everything goes well for you. and Ill be back to give you birthday kisses