I know I haven't posted in a while. So here goes: I have been in full force nerd mode since school began. I have done nothing but homework, until last week when I got tattooed( I will post pics when my snake heals). It was a much needed stress release! I visited a nude beach and resort today and I must say I am rather disappointed in the experience. No one was walking around fully nude! Most people had towels and shite wrapped around their fun parts. Anyway I'm going on a date tonight with a young lady that is stunning! I hope everything goes well because I would really like to get to know her on another level. From what I have seen she is very bright, funny, and focused. I hope she isn't an undercover psycho like the others girls I've dated lately. All I want is a nice sane person to begin and further a healthy relationship with. Why is that ao hard to find? Any who I hope all of you guys and gals are doing well and I hope that you all will see my nekkidness soon

Good luck on your date! And hope to see you nekkid soon!
I hope you had fun on your date......I havent been on one in so long. Good luck with school too.....Ive been in full force since Im gonig to two different schools so that I can finish early.