Thanks everyone for all of the love and advice. I really wanted things to be smooth between my dad and I but it is what it is. I'm back in California after my drama filled trip to Texas. My plane ride was cool except for the man snoring loudly in the seat next to me. I really miss New Orleans
I love Cali and all but it's not home. I miss the streetcars, Canal street, Coyote Ugly(my former job) & the Coyotes, the riverboats, the Audbon Zoo, Riverwalk, Jackson Square, my ex- girlfriend, the French Market, the charm of the entire french quarter, the daiquiri shops, the touist, the festivals, the events, the food, the southern hospitality, the music, the spirit, and the people. I wanna go home for a while but I work to much! I have been really lonely lately do to the fact that my last girlfriend had major issues and we had to part ways. I just want to come home from work and have someone there to give me a warm welcome (other than my daughter) and to curl up and spoon with at night. Is that to much to ask? I think I'm a pretty easy person to get along so I really don't understand why I'm single. Oh well someday I will have someone (other then my daughter) to give all this love too.

You would definitely be invited next time
sorry i am hard to find!! xoxoxoxoxox