Huge fight with my dad! I heading home tomorrow because I refuse to subject myself to further verbal assalt
Man! I wish my father was 1/3 as understanding, compassionate, and supportive as my mom. The first thing my mom said when I told her I was a SG was" That's awesome baby! You can show the world that brainy woman are sexy too. I'm proud of you." My mom is great she is always behind me a 110%. Oh well at least I tried to make peace with my dad. I can't please everybody and I'm not changing for no one so he will just have hate my life choices until he dies. Well I'm off to meditate for a while. Love ya gals & guys lotsXOXOXOXOXOXO

i used that as my character name on a video game XD
i'm glad your mom is supportive of your decision. and as you said, you can't please everyone.