I like these kind of questions. Thank you @melissalalucy for asking....
If you were someone of the opposite gender to yours, what would you do?
Be my own person and try to be a good mother
What is the craziest cause why you have stopped liking someone?
My Mum briefly when she threatened to pour boiling water over my privates if I didn't stop seeing someone. I was 35!
What would be the first thing you buy if you had a million pound?
Private Health cover
If I always answered YES what would you ask me
I think you should see a psychiatrist. Will you come with me?
What is the strangest place where you have slept?
In the bed of the guy my first wife left me for - after he sold it to a friend
What is the strangest place you have visited?
The back streets of Aden as a 9-year-old when I disobeyed my Mum and went off exploring on my own
At what age did you notice that you can't say “parallelepiped” without pressing your lips together?
Right now
Describe yourself in 5 words.
Generous, tactile, fortunate, fragile, bold
What is the strangest dream you've ever had?
Annual nightmares I had failed exams I actually passed because of lack of revision. Every April for 30 years after I graduated!
What is the strangest thing you have eaten?
Limpets in garlic butter or maybe sea slug in Hong Kong
What did you want to be when you were 10 years old?
A gunnery officer in the Royal Navy. There were a lot of Navy ships in Aden
What superpower would you like to have?
The gift of healing
What is the dumbest lie you've ever told to reject someone?
'We should be sensible, shouldn't we?' then wondered 'what if' for years afterwards
I'd love to see your answers @reeden , @voodoo , @kingfury, @sweetashell if you want to have a go