I'm in the UK, Torquay to be precise, and at the moment I'm totally and utterly bored. It's a small town along the coast, very pretty, rather snobbish and extremly slooow.
(or might that have anything to do with the fact that when I'm not drying old peoples' bums I'm hanging out with a girl who's not exactly a party animal since she's giving birth in five weeks...??)
Anyway, I'm quite happy here. It's far away from my everyday life, it's a nice change. Went to a thai restaurant the other night though, was very disappointed. Tasted like rubber. I normally love thai food. Damn restaurant.
My sister had a wicked time in China. She's bought me "something I'm going to love"... can't wait...
I broke up with my girl the other day. It was weird. We were chatting on msn, just talking about everyday stuff, and then suddenly I realised I just THOUGHT I was in love with her because I WANTED to be in love with her. And I got so gobsmacked I just said it straight out. So now it's over. There you go.
I'm a horrible person, I haven't even thought about it since then.
After two weeks of being kidnapped by his own father, my cousin is now back with his mum. And now her snotty lawyer is her new guru and it's all a big soap opera basically. My mum is still down to earth though. She sends me texts about hedgehogs sleeping in the garden.
I'm such an alien in this place, I really am. I met a girl with dreads in the street today and we looked at each other like we shared some big secret. Mostly because none of us were wearing white or carrying a Louis Vitton handbag. That's how mainstream this place is, ha ha!
This weekend I'm off to London again, to celebrate Anna's 28th birthday. Gonna be wicked, I've got myself a pretty little 20s outfit.
Spread the love!
(or might that have anything to do with the fact that when I'm not drying old peoples' bums I'm hanging out with a girl who's not exactly a party animal since she's giving birth in five weeks...??)
Anyway, I'm quite happy here. It's far away from my everyday life, it's a nice change. Went to a thai restaurant the other night though, was very disappointed. Tasted like rubber. I normally love thai food. Damn restaurant.
My sister had a wicked time in China. She's bought me "something I'm going to love"... can't wait...
I broke up with my girl the other day. It was weird. We were chatting on msn, just talking about everyday stuff, and then suddenly I realised I just THOUGHT I was in love with her because I WANTED to be in love with her. And I got so gobsmacked I just said it straight out. So now it's over. There you go.
I'm a horrible person, I haven't even thought about it since then.
After two weeks of being kidnapped by his own father, my cousin is now back with his mum. And now her snotty lawyer is her new guru and it's all a big soap opera basically. My mum is still down to earth though. She sends me texts about hedgehogs sleeping in the garden.
I'm such an alien in this place, I really am. I met a girl with dreads in the street today and we looked at each other like we shared some big secret. Mostly because none of us were wearing white or carrying a Louis Vitton handbag. That's how mainstream this place is, ha ha!
This weekend I'm off to London again, to celebrate Anna's 28th birthday. Gonna be wicked, I've got myself a pretty little 20s outfit.
Spread the love!

uk is always boring. except london, maybe. sometimes.
just wondering how you were doing, havent heard from you in a while.