well it has been a while alot has changed i got my new camera so whoo hoo and my car back ...my bf broke his nee and my husband is being a total sweet hart again so i cant complain much right now well besides the brokin nee thing the bf is being a little winny but oh so cute so i cant hate him...
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new post yet on week later and i feal exsactly the same as the last post ...im thinking that fridays are to be like this ??/ sam sit same boys and same no weed lol . funny thing how it always happenes on a friday ....im ake the boyfriend hang with me all week and then fridays he runs away only to come fuck me...
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ug i have this ball of anxiety in my stomach waiting for something intense to happen but what and when i don't know but i cant Wait and its driving me nuts ...i need to smoke a joint but the boy across the car lot wont answer me even tho he claims to love me grr why wont he give me what i need then...
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happy new year and all that shit ...its been a little while and i dont realy have much to say ...still dont have my car the weather still sucks and the kids still arnt back in school lol ...iv been taking lots of pics for other ppl but not getting much done on my self ...so i guess it will still be a while befor...
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You snowboard out that way much???

so my car is fucked the engin cracked yay thats what i wanted to know ...found a new one for 600 tho now just need to put the fucker inn not going to be fun but it could always be worst .
yeah tomorrow is friday i love fridays !!! eeek
so its almost christmas and the weather sucks it was snowing but it stoped,,,i was hoping it whould continue to snow and that maybe the boy whould get sent home early ...as i am lonley and could think of somthings i could use him for wink i realy need to get another set up but i still havnt herd form that photgrapher yet ...im bord tho...
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arg my head hurts ...went to the city the other day did all the christmas shoppping ...yay ...so glad it is done now...the mall wasnt as bad as i thought it was going to be so that was a hugh bonus.
ened up doing mdma the other night so im super tired now and all i want to do is sleep ...yet i cant becouse...
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Glad to hear you car situation worked out. I must have sent some good karma your way. I went Christmas shopping this weekend too An down town SF was so scary I drove 20 Miles out of town just to do it. Almost done just two more people to buy for. Well Happy Holidays. biggrin
i never imagined a down shirt looking so hot
i hate my car !!!! i have this 2003 sunfire and its not that bad of a car but latly it wont even let me get across town with out over heating ,,,wich sucks becouse town is all of 20mins to get across !!! somtimes i wish i keep the little shit box it never over heated. I have to try and get to the...
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Hey, I just checked out your set and you are absolutely gorgeous! I hope you can hook up with a really good photographer soon and try another set. Good luck with the car! smile
That sucks I hate car trouble. Hope you get into the city ok. wink
soooo as i was driving home today i got pulled over by the police ...yay police !!!! so he gets out of the car and says to me "i have a few problems here ...you where going 65 in the 60 zone and 55 in the 50 zone i need your licence and registation " witch i had already had in my hand to give...
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You're so sweet baby!

Crhistmas time!! love
