10 facts about me
1. i love photography and everything to do with it , i spent 5 years taking photos and take aprox 9 thousand a year thats a fuck load of photos . everything form family weddings babies pregnancy , nudes , nature , cars , dogs , other pets , fetish shows ect . after 5 years of being asked to let people take photos of myself i have finally decided to embrace it , and figured i might as well get all the sexy photos of myself i can before im old and not to pretty to look at anymore , this being said anyone wants to look threw my shit to buy send me a message ill be happy to send you a link
2. i live in a house with 7 people . one best friend , one hippi , one boyfriend , and 3 monster children that all happen to have spawned from this person right here .. and 3 different men , yes this makes me a bit of a fertile slut , there for my tubes are now tied YAY no more demons for this bitch
3. i was raised jehovah witness and i do believe it is a cult like most organized religions. and i am very thankful that i got out when i did . i am however an very spiritual person ,, does this mean i believe in god , not necessarily , but it doesn't mean i dont either ,,, however i am not naive enough to not believe there is something more out there
4. i have always been able to see in to the future and see how things will unfold. i am always the girl saying i told you so , most people wont put up a wall , and bare the deepest desires on there face , there deepest secretes in there eyes and craziest thoughts free above there head .
, i truly become confident in this ability when i saw my baby brothers death 3 months before his accident . its been 5 yrs since he passed and not a day goes by that i dont miss the fuck out of him <3
5. metal is by far my fav music , but my dirty secret is that i love sean paul lol
6. i grew up in a small town full of rednecks .. not the cowboy kind that are cool and respectful , but the stupid kind that kick animals shoot and nothing , drink well driving , pour gas on fires to see how big it can get and run over trees with trucks , are afraid of gays and think they are the shit . yeah its amazing im so dam cool lol
7. 90% of the girls in my home town where teen moms why ,, cuz there is nothing better to do in the bush then get frisky with the boys hence having my first child at 17
8. the song "hotel California " iv been told by many different people is my song . i even have the Mercedes benz and lots of pretty boys i call friends
9. i believe in reincarnation and that i have been here a few times , as my old gypsy life is still strong with in me
10. goes with number 9 , in my last past life i believe i died in a car crash ,hence why im so terrified of dying in a car crash this life
11 ok so there is 11 my dream is to move further away form people , trade the people for the trees and become completely self sufficient in working my land and house , to not need outside hydro or food ect and be completely green leaving lil to no carbon foot print
1. i love photography and everything to do with it , i spent 5 years taking photos and take aprox 9 thousand a year thats a fuck load of photos . everything form family weddings babies pregnancy , nudes , nature , cars , dogs , other pets , fetish shows ect . after 5 years of being asked to let people take photos of myself i have finally decided to embrace it , and figured i might as well get all the sexy photos of myself i can before im old and not to pretty to look at anymore , this being said anyone wants to look threw my shit to buy send me a message ill be happy to send you a link
2. i live in a house with 7 people . one best friend , one hippi , one boyfriend , and 3 monster children that all happen to have spawned from this person right here .. and 3 different men , yes this makes me a bit of a fertile slut , there for my tubes are now tied YAY no more demons for this bitch
3. i was raised jehovah witness and i do believe it is a cult like most organized religions. and i am very thankful that i got out when i did . i am however an very spiritual person ,, does this mean i believe in god , not necessarily , but it doesn't mean i dont either ,,, however i am not naive enough to not believe there is something more out there
4. i have always been able to see in to the future and see how things will unfold. i am always the girl saying i told you so , most people wont put up a wall , and bare the deepest desires on there face , there deepest secretes in there eyes and craziest thoughts free above there head .
, i truly become confident in this ability when i saw my baby brothers death 3 months before his accident . its been 5 yrs since he passed and not a day goes by that i dont miss the fuck out of him <3
5. metal is by far my fav music , but my dirty secret is that i love sean paul lol
6. i grew up in a small town full of rednecks .. not the cowboy kind that are cool and respectful , but the stupid kind that kick animals shoot and nothing , drink well driving , pour gas on fires to see how big it can get and run over trees with trucks , are afraid of gays and think they are the shit . yeah its amazing im so dam cool lol
7. 90% of the girls in my home town where teen moms why ,, cuz there is nothing better to do in the bush then get frisky with the boys hence having my first child at 17
8. the song "hotel California " iv been told by many different people is my song . i even have the Mercedes benz and lots of pretty boys i call friends
9. i believe in reincarnation and that i have been here a few times , as my old gypsy life is still strong with in me
10. goes with number 9 , in my last past life i believe i died in a car crash ,hence why im so terrified of dying in a car crash this life
11 ok so there is 11 my dream is to move further away form people , trade the people for the trees and become completely self sufficient in working my land and house , to not need outside hydro or food ect and be completely green leaving lil to no carbon foot print

I may not have grown up in this little Hell Hole called Nephi... But it's exactly as you described. There are a lot of teen moms here too. There is nothing to do in this itty bitty town. It took me a long time to adjust to life in the bush after having grown up in So Cali. The nearest Wal Mart is 30 miles away in any direction. Everything is expensive here.... Nothing to do here. I can't go to the local Honda shop (four wheeler/motorcycle shop) cause my ex husbands son works there and he hates me with a passion. LOL. My four wheeler needs new tires, but I'm too chicken to go walking in there for them because of his son.
6. i grew up in a small town full of rednecks .. not the cowboy kind that are cool and respectful , but the stupid kind that kick animals shoot and nothing , drink well driving , pour gas on fires to see how big it can get and run over trees with trucks , are afraid of gays and think they are the shit . yeah its amazing im so dam cool lol
HAHA, sorry for this reply being so long... I guess I feel that we have some things in common.
Hope you have a lovely day! Luv ya! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO