arg my head hurts ...went to the city the other day did all the christmas shoppping ...yay glad it is done now...the mall wasnt as bad as i thought it was going to be so that was a hugh bonus.
ened up doing mdma the other night so im super tired now and all i want to do is sleep ...yet i cant becouse i have a 2 year old with me and well i dont think sleeping whould be to good lol ...died my hair for the 3 time in three days ...i use to have relly short hair and it whould only take a half a bottle and now it takes 2 and half i wasnt impressed but now it is blue black and looks completly diffrent !!! this blog aint realy going anywhere but all over the place and it is probly hard to read becouse my figers hit what ever button they want and im to tired to care ,,,pe4ace out brotha
ened up doing mdma the other night so im super tired now and all i want to do is sleep ...yet i cant becouse i have a 2 year old with me and well i dont think sleeping whould be to good lol ...died my hair for the 3 time in three days ...i use to have relly short hair and it whould only take a half a bottle and now it takes 2 and half i wasnt impressed but now it is blue black and looks completly diffrent !!! this blog aint realy going anywhere but all over the place and it is probly hard to read becouse my figers hit what ever button they want and im to tired to care ,,,pe4ace out brotha

Glad to hear you car situation worked out. I must have sent some good karma your way. I went Christmas shopping this weekend too An down town SF was so scary I drove 20 Miles out of town just to do it. Almost done just two more people to buy for. Well Happy Holidays.

i never imagined a down shirt looking so hot