People who can only express elitist bitterness in an underhanded way on the internet rather than, I don't know, actually speaking make me sad for humanity. And that's as far as this mini-rant will go.
I find out this Friday whether or not I made it into the Elite Cirlce of Poets--aka Advanced Poetry Writing--and have mixed feelings about the potential result. The process and the learning opportunity and the vast majority of the people are usually wonderful. But then...there is that regrettable little minority of Joyce wannabes who take themselves way. too. seriously. If we're talking about a good workshop with moderate egos, fine. But put me in a room with a My Literary Penis is Bigger Than Yours fight in full swing, and I'll drop faster than an undergraduate can misuse a thesaurus.
See, this is why I'm not an English major. Too much of a desire to eat regularly and not enough of a tolerance for pretentious fucktards.
I find out this Friday whether or not I made it into the Elite Cirlce of Poets--aka Advanced Poetry Writing--and have mixed feelings about the potential result. The process and the learning opportunity and the vast majority of the people are usually wonderful. But then...there is that regrettable little minority of Joyce wannabes who take themselves way. too. seriously. If we're talking about a good workshop with moderate egos, fine. But put me in a room with a My Literary Penis is Bigger Than Yours fight in full swing, and I'll drop faster than an undergraduate can misuse a thesaurus.
See, this is why I'm not an English major. Too much of a desire to eat regularly and not enough of a tolerance for pretentious fucktards.