This is what happens when you run a pro-porn article in a small town:
A fucktard named Jerry Boggs, who runs a website called (
) cites it (not favorably) in some "male-empowerment" bullshit rant of an essay.
Missy emails you a thank-you and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Various conservative asshats clog your email in-box to call you everything from a "tart" to "cindy sheehan's foot massager" (hell knows where that came from).
Your newswriting professor stops class to tell you she "COMPLETELY disagrees with EVERYTHING in your column."
Your apartment complex's Homeowners Association, composed entirely of blue-haired desperate housewives, gets ahold of it and shuns you. I'm not even allowed to let my dog take a piss in the main yard area now. (Maybe I should whip them all up a batch of special brownies as a peace offering?)
A 50-year-old man in Ohio asks you to join his campaign to make it legal for women to go topless in public. Eh, why not.
So that was my last 24 hours. If anybody wants to come help me paint a big vagina on the HOA chairwoman's door, let me know.
Cindy Sheehan's Foot Massager
A fucktard named Jerry Boggs, who runs a website called (

Missy emails you a thank-you and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Various conservative asshats clog your email in-box to call you everything from a "tart" to "cindy sheehan's foot massager" (hell knows where that came from).
Your newswriting professor stops class to tell you she "COMPLETELY disagrees with EVERYTHING in your column."
Your apartment complex's Homeowners Association, composed entirely of blue-haired desperate housewives, gets ahold of it and shuns you. I'm not even allowed to let my dog take a piss in the main yard area now. (Maybe I should whip them all up a batch of special brownies as a peace offering?)
A 50-year-old man in Ohio asks you to join his campaign to make it legal for women to go topless in public. Eh, why not.
So that was my last 24 hours. If anybody wants to come help me paint a big vagina on the HOA chairwoman's door, let me know.
Cindy Sheehan's Foot Massager
At least now you know why your newswriting professor no longer writes news...

Well I thought the article was awesome-- I was glad there was actually something worth picking the paper up for (besides the crossword!!). I'm glad you wrote it.