umm... well, first of all... thank u for leaving me a b-day message =) that was sweet... I spent my birthday in DC... I had my job interview... went really well... then they told me that if they hire me, I will be making $800 dollars a day for roughly a year... maybe a little more. So I'm in the process of the interview and I'm trying to gather my thoughts, but all I can think of is that... thats over a quarter of a million dollars salary!! Well anyways, the guys seemed really interested, and hinted that they would like to have me in VA/DC area to start training as early as the end of the month... so anyhow.. what's been going on??
Hi. And right on for that job. 

wow good luck w/ that job....$800 a day, how many days a week/month will you be working though? it would be cool if it was 5, but it would suck if it was only 1 or 2.....hopefully it's a full time gig