FRIDAY: go to some bs party that immediately gets broken up by cops... we decided to finish the beer that everybody left behind... meet some girls, one of which apparently is schizophrenic, and has an actual(no shit) weed card that lets her carry and smoke the shit! anyhow, we leave the girls and head to some honky-tonk bar on the other side of town called Amestoys to finish getting drunk...
Saturday: leave the honky tonk bar around 2 AM after finishing shots of jaeger with him... head to some girls house my brother knows... about 4 am Tyler shows up and we reach a decision that we're heading to SLO right now! fuck, I'm all about it...
We gas up and hit the road, chris pops 4 dems and has a beer.. i fuckin snag a couple and and a beer and we ass out while TY drives... around 5am ty starts falling asleep, so he decides to go 4X'ing on some country ass road to wake himself up... we stop so chris can puke.... (guess the pills upset his stomach) and then continue driving out in butt fucking egypt. somewhere along the way I tried to convince Chris verbally that his .22 rifle wouldn't hurt a cow, so it was verified prolly at least 6 or 7 times before we got back on the freeway. Ty picks up a hitchhiker around 10am and we drive him into town. He has what appears to be his lunch in a brown paper bag, but when he opens the bag up, the smell tells me it is not. he pulls 3 ziplock freezer bags out that are packed with weed. he hands some to chris for driving him or something. i'm in the backseat with a tall can and a .22 rifle, hes in the other seat with prolly a pound and a half of weed... crazy.
we get to Avila beach, chris and ty rack out in the truck... I sleep on the side of the cliff looking out to the ocean. fuckers wake me up around 11 and we stagger around, grab some food and hang out in san luis obispo... we ended up going back that nite, but don't you just love randumb drunk road trips?
Saturday: leave the honky tonk bar around 2 AM after finishing shots of jaeger with him... head to some girls house my brother knows... about 4 am Tyler shows up and we reach a decision that we're heading to SLO right now! fuck, I'm all about it...
We gas up and hit the road, chris pops 4 dems and has a beer.. i fuckin snag a couple and and a beer and we ass out while TY drives... around 5am ty starts falling asleep, so he decides to go 4X'ing on some country ass road to wake himself up... we stop so chris can puke.... (guess the pills upset his stomach) and then continue driving out in butt fucking egypt. somewhere along the way I tried to convince Chris verbally that his .22 rifle wouldn't hurt a cow, so it was verified prolly at least 6 or 7 times before we got back on the freeway. Ty picks up a hitchhiker around 10am and we drive him into town. He has what appears to be his lunch in a brown paper bag, but when he opens the bag up, the smell tells me it is not. he pulls 3 ziplock freezer bags out that are packed with weed. he hands some to chris for driving him or something. i'm in the backseat with a tall can and a .22 rifle, hes in the other seat with prolly a pound and a half of weed... crazy.
we get to Avila beach, chris and ty rack out in the truck... I sleep on the side of the cliff looking out to the ocean. fuckers wake me up around 11 and we stagger around, grab some food and hang out in san luis obispo... we ended up going back that nite, but don't you just love randumb drunk road trips?
I want to get a taurus .40 and a bulldog 44 but I need more $$$$$$........