what's up with all the ads in the backs of magazines for Male Enhancement? Think about it. If you could make your dick bigger by taking a pill, or by doing a special excercise, don't you think all of us guys would be walkin' around with 40 pound cocks? duh...
Now ladies... if you could enhance any aspect of your particular male, I bet the size of his pecker wouldn't even be in the top five things you would want to make better.
I would like my brain enhanced first, please. As all my powers of loving come from there, I would continue to be satisfied with my average-sized sexual equipment. How about my personality? Don't you think we could all use a bit of improvement there? Anyway, you get my point. I'm OK with myself just the way I am, so keeps your hands off my cock. Well, most of you anyway.
Now ladies... if you could enhance any aspect of your particular male, I bet the size of his pecker wouldn't even be in the top five things you would want to make better.
I would like my brain enhanced first, please. As all my powers of loving come from there, I would continue to be satisfied with my average-sized sexual equipment. How about my personality? Don't you think we could all use a bit of improvement there? Anyway, you get my point. I'm OK with myself just the way I am, so keeps your hands off my cock. Well, most of you anyway.
yeah come on guys keep your hands off of his cock........my brain is never boring
David Lynch is the man