Hello lovely people
I have lots of things to report/ramble about
Feel free to ignore all of it/bits of it/none of it [delete as appropriate] haha.
I'm in an odd mood today. I found out I might be being prescribed ritalin soon. I'm a bit worried; I have positives and negatives about it. I'm pretty sure it'll help me concentrate a lot better, which will definitely be really useful to me, as my concentration span is about -7000 seconds currently. I'm even getting distracted writing this so it'll prob take me about 2 hours to complete this entry
However I'm rather worried because ritalin is amphetamine, and given my past drug related issues I'm a tad worried about addiction issues. My best friend was on ritalin for a long time and it took him 3 years to be weaned off it completely. And I have a very addictive personality :/ On the positive side, I have to have blood tests every week when I start taking it, and I do so love blood tests. And that isn't sarcasm, I really really love blood tests
Annnnd I have a new bf now. Of about 3 months now. And so far going well. He started out pretty innocent in the bedroom, and I've started to ruin that so all is going well on that front. And his policeman outfit (genuine) is really rather sexual
I tried to submit a star wars set on star wars day but it refused to upload multiple times and I got no reply to my query from the staff, so I had to give up. Which is a shame because I really did love it! hahaha.
Also, worried about my eating again. I'm at a low-to-normal weight at the moment but it really is stressing me out being so fat and I've definitely started to eat a lot less than I should be. I'm making stupid plans again to lose weight, and even though I can feel myself slipping back into my old ways, I don't want to stop myself going there. I enjoy the falling. Maybe because I deserve it. Who knows. Crazy times.
I *promise* to write more regularly. Pinky promise
Loves <3 <3 <3

I have lots of things to report/ramble about

I'm in an odd mood today. I found out I might be being prescribed ritalin soon. I'm a bit worried; I have positives and negatives about it. I'm pretty sure it'll help me concentrate a lot better, which will definitely be really useful to me, as my concentration span is about -7000 seconds currently. I'm even getting distracted writing this so it'll prob take me about 2 hours to complete this entry

Annnnd I have a new bf now. Of about 3 months now. And so far going well. He started out pretty innocent in the bedroom, and I've started to ruin that so all is going well on that front. And his policeman outfit (genuine) is really rather sexual

I tried to submit a star wars set on star wars day but it refused to upload multiple times and I got no reply to my query from the staff, so I had to give up. Which is a shame because I really did love it! hahaha.
Also, worried about my eating again. I'm at a low-to-normal weight at the moment but it really is stressing me out being so fat and I've definitely started to eat a lot less than I should be. I'm making stupid plans again to lose weight, and even though I can feel myself slipping back into my old ways, I don't want to stop myself going there. I enjoy the falling. Maybe because I deserve it. Who knows. Crazy times.
I *promise* to write more regularly. Pinky promise

Loves <3 <3 <3

Well if it helps then its a good thing right I knew a few people on it and it helped them hopefully it helps you as well
Congrats on beginning his corruption! Being corrupted is ok.. seeing that look on someone else's face is just priceless!
(Hmm.. you know, you could see if he'd like you in a prison outfit, you could have some great scenes with a real cop