I meet this really cute girl working at Tower Records in Portland. She asked one of her co-workers if they have ever heard of The Birthday Massacre. He said no, then I said YES I HAVE. Well I wasn't quite that exited. I just heard the news about my buddy and wasn't really in the talking mode, but I tried to talk to her. She had really cool black hair, and she seemed really nice. So if you know of such a girl, hook me up

My friend's brother is still on life support, but I guess he has started to breath a little for himself. He hasn't woke up yet so they cant run any test on his brain yet. The doctors dont know how long he was under the water or how long he was out. Hopefully he dosn't suffer any brain damage. Only time will tell.
I really hope there's no brain damage. Safe recovery to him.
i'm so sorry about your friends brother, i dont know what to say =/