Have you ever got really drunk and done things that the next day makes you feel embarassed about. I'm not talking about streaking through the quads or anything. I'm talking about staight up stupid shit. Shit that you would never do, things that would piss you off yourself. Things that only alcohol can pull outta you. Unfortunatly, I will not be going into any detail, too many Portland SG members around that I could have directly effected that night.
I'm not the kinda guy that like pissing people off, or perposly affending people. I'm just a laid back guy that likes hanging with my buds, drinkin' some beers and just chillin. What ever it was that elevated us to do the things we did, I hope never comes back. I mean we didnt hurt anybody or animals. It was shit that was very unlike us.
But you know the worst part of it all is?? What we did was bad, bad for us. But for most, its just another night.
I'm not the kinda guy that like pissing people off, or perposly affending people. I'm just a laid back guy that likes hanging with my buds, drinkin' some beers and just chillin. What ever it was that elevated us to do the things we did, I hope never comes back. I mean we didnt hurt anybody or animals. It was shit that was very unlike us.
But you know the worst part of it all is?? What we did was bad, bad for us. But for most, its just another night.

Hey, i'll be back for the week starting tomorrah, so I'll see if Venice would want to go hang out and get tater tots or something.
Yeah, some of these girls are extremely hot.