I am so glad that Christmas is over. Not that I dont enjoy the holiday or anything, I just dont like having to go shopping and stuff. I did get some cool stuff though. But now I can resume my typical no-sleep days and get on with my life.
So whats everyone doing for New Years?? huh huh??
I'm going to a hockey game Friday night, and most likely doin' a little drinkin afterwards. Which should be fun. Well I'm not posative on the Hockey game, but am about drinkin' n partyin'. Whos's with me??
So whats everyone doing for New Years?? huh huh??
I'm going to a hockey game Friday night, and most likely doin' a little drinkin afterwards. Which should be fun. Well I'm not posative on the Hockey game, but am about drinkin' n partyin'. Whos's with me??

One area which will see much activity over the year will be the Earth Goat's personal life with quite a few Earth Goats having good reason to celebrate, perhaps through a marriage or an addition to their family. Those Earth Goats with partners will often delight in the many activities they carry out together, with the year containing some special moments.
For many Earth Goats accommodation matters will figure prominently, with some moving as well as carrying out plans to improve their home. The Earth Goat's sense of style will be to the fore, and will be much appreciated. Domestically, this will be a busy and eventful year, with the Earth Goat delighting in the activity.
The Earth Goat will certainly appreciate his social life too and in addition to keeping in regular contact with friends, he will receive many invitations to go out. He could also find that his interests and changes in his work will lead him meeting others, and some important new friendships and contacts will be made. Any Earth Goat who has had recent problems in his personal life should regard this as a year to move forward. By getting involved in new activities and making the most of his chances to go out, he may well meet someone who will become special. For socializing, March, May and July to early September are particularly well aspected.
(umm...this is really long..i was going to type the whole thing and post it to the Earth Goats but...it's from Neil Somerville's book...okay fuck it...sorry for the really long comment)
However, while the Earth Goats domestic and social life holds much promise, as with any year, problems will arise from time to time and disagreements may raise their head. At such times the Earth Goat should try to deal with matters quickly and amicably. Tensions that linger in the background could be an unwelcome distraction in what is such a promising and potentially exciting year. Earth Goats, take note, and remember that dialogue and a willingness to talk will do much to resolve any difficult situation.
This is, however, an excellent year the Earth Goats own personal development and despite other demands on his time, he would do well to further his interest and skills, particularly if he is interested in creative pursuits. Those Earth Goats who have considered turning an interest or creative skill into a vocation will find that by continuing to develop their talents they can do much to keep their dream alive.
As far as the Earth Goats work is concerned, this will be a demanding year, with much being expected of him. There could be pressures and deadlines to be met and sometimes certain aspects of his work, such as the more bureaucratic elements, could be tiresome. However, by rising to the challenge and maintaining his high standards, the Earth Goat will do much to help his reputation and when opportunities arise, he will be well placed to benefit. Again, this is a year when hard work and commitment will be rewarded, with many Earth Goats finding themselves promoted or being given more specialist duties as the year progresses.
For those looking for a change or seeking work, the Rooster year can give rise to some interesting developments, and for many Earth Goats it will be a year of new starts. Results in 2005 will need to be worked for, but the long-term rewards can be considerable. The months from April to early June and September and October could see some good opportunities to make progress.
More awkwardly aspected, though, are financial matters. With a possible move for some and high accommodation costs for many, Earth Goats will often find their resources stretched. As a result, they would do well to keep a close watch on their spending as well as make allowance for their various obligations. This is a year for control and watchfulness, and when taking on new commitments, the Earth Goat would do well to check the terms and implications involved. Financial matters do need careful attention over the year.
In many respects, however, this will be a year of opportunity for the Earth Goat and by using his skills to good effect, he will be able to make important progress. Also, in so much of what he does, he will be encouraged by the love and support of another, with his personal life being active and often special. And there may be a personal celebration to enjoy as well.
Aim to further your interests and skills over the year. What you do now will not only be satisfying but often of long-term benefit.
Geez, I haven't heard from you in forever!