This graveyard shit is starting to take its toll on me. I'm always tired, and no matter how much sleep I get, I'm still fucking tired right after lunch. Lunch is 3:30am for me. The only time I really feel awake is the hour right after I wake up.
But enough about me, what is everyone up too? Anyone wunna take a trip to Russia with me?? Fuck, nevermind, I'm spending that money on something else. Well I will be going to Canada again fairly! So if you feel like flying cross country to meet me there, let me know.
But enough about me, what is everyone up too? Anyone wunna take a trip to Russia with me?? Fuck, nevermind, I'm spending that money on something else. Well I will be going to Canada again fairly! So if you feel like flying cross country to meet me there, let me know.

RantRadio doesn't belong to me, but gods I wish it did. It's a streaming radio company out of canada somewhere, and they have three stations: Punk, Industrial Electronica, and a Talk station. Give it a listen! I my site is, but it's a blog and I don't really use it anymore. It needs a redesign badly, but I just haven't had time to go in and crunch the code yet.
I want to go to Canada! Except that you're probably going for hockey purposes, and I'm not really that into hockey. Oh well...