I love watching people. Not like stalking, I think it's illegal in Oregon. But just standing outside their sight, just watching them move through time, adjusting there motions to fit the moment. Watching there facial expressions change with new situations and trying to get inside of there head and trying to figure out what the FUCK Could they be thinking!!!!
I say this with no compassion what-so-ever! And what I'm about to get into is kinda like what I just said.
Lets take last night for instance. Now I'm a watcher, I'm always scanning peoples faces and checking who's around me, or who may be coming my way. Thats just how I am. Maybe it's paranoia, I dont know. But I'm sitting in my booth at the Gresham Shari's, when something caught my eye outside.
Really at first, it was nothing outta the ordinary. But I saw some dude looking through the window of this really nice silver Saab. The problem here was: 1. this peson did not look like he should be driving this car, not in the slightest. I'm not being judgmental or anything, look at me, I drive a '96 BMW, do I fit the car? Who knows. 2. He was walking around it a lot and using his hands to hide the glare so he could see inside. 3. he left. Good I though.
About 10 minutes later, I'm injoying my tasty country skillet minus onions and peppers, and I see these lights wissing through the parking lot like they were trying to beat the closing time of a liquer store. Then this hunk 'o' shit of a car careamed into the side of this poor Saab. What the fuck!!
And it wasn't like they T-Boned it, no no, this car mearly took off most of the front end. So in other words, it kept going. So no chance to get a shot off or get the lisence plate #. What am I to do? Track the owner down and tell him? He's going to find out anyways. So I did what I had to do..............I finished my Skillet and went the fuck home. Besides other people heard it and told the manager as I was chewing, paying, and leaving all at the same time. Pretty fucking crazy if you ask me. There's no protection against that shit.
I say this with no compassion what-so-ever! And what I'm about to get into is kinda like what I just said.
Lets take last night for instance. Now I'm a watcher, I'm always scanning peoples faces and checking who's around me, or who may be coming my way. Thats just how I am. Maybe it's paranoia, I dont know. But I'm sitting in my booth at the Gresham Shari's, when something caught my eye outside.
Really at first, it was nothing outta the ordinary. But I saw some dude looking through the window of this really nice silver Saab. The problem here was: 1. this peson did not look like he should be driving this car, not in the slightest. I'm not being judgmental or anything, look at me, I drive a '96 BMW, do I fit the car? Who knows. 2. He was walking around it a lot and using his hands to hide the glare so he could see inside. 3. he left. Good I though.
About 10 minutes later, I'm injoying my tasty country skillet minus onions and peppers, and I see these lights wissing through the parking lot like they were trying to beat the closing time of a liquer store. Then this hunk 'o' shit of a car careamed into the side of this poor Saab. What the fuck!!
And it wasn't like they T-Boned it, no no, this car mearly took off most of the front end. So in other words, it kept going. So no chance to get a shot off or get the lisence plate #. What am I to do? Track the owner down and tell him? He's going to find out anyways. So I did what I had to do..............I finished my Skillet and went the fuck home. Besides other people heard it and told the manager as I was chewing, paying, and leaving all at the same time. Pretty fucking crazy if you ask me. There's no protection against that shit.

That's messed up. My little on the spot theory is that they knew the guy who owned the Saab, he messed around with their girlfriend or screwed them over in some way, and they were pissed, they were looking through the windows to make sure it was really his Saab, and then they blasted the front off it. Maybe the guy was a real asshole and he deserved it, but still, I doubt the Saab deserved it... Does it mean I'm a terrible person if I feel more sorry for the car than the owner?
i'm all bout the people watching, especially in portland. but if you ever want to take it a step further, i've been needing a stalker laterly. like is not as iteresting as it should be. you seem like a good candidate for the job. so let me know if you're interested. i hear the benifits are great