I've been meaning to bring something up for a long time now, and I just had other things on my mind. But alas, now would be a perfect oppertunity. I was sitting at work today, trying to enjoy my bag of Jolly Ranchers, and for the life of me, I just cant figure out why Grape is still a flavor!! I mean, those basterds took out Lemon, my favorite all time flavor, left in grape, and added........Blue Raspberry. What the fuck is that?? The whole basis of the Original flavers are, they are in fact real flavors. So when the good people at J.R show me a Blue Raspberry I guess I might settle down a notch. You know who else needs to settle down is Gatorade. How many more flavors can they come up with?? They all taste fairly the same. There's no huge difference. Only color. And they jumped on the imaginary fruit band wagon too. You can find a Blue Raspberry sitting along side all the other real fruit flavors. And since we are on the liquid subject. A couple a days ago I walked in to Wild Oats, it's like, all naturall and organic foods, shit like that. Now I can see jackin up the price of food, but water???? Water has 0 ingredients in it other than water. It is clearly marked on the back. They are proud of that fact, so when I pic up a $2.00 bottle of water, what the hell am I paying for? So now I'm intersted. I'm already thirsty, I just ate a tastey turkey wrap and now my mouth is bone dry. I quikly pick up the bottle, examine it for a $2.00 slogan saying what mountain top in the Andies they got this from................nothing. More along the lines of how they made it. Fuck! By this time I'm dyin', all I want is some H2O to wash down my wrap so I sprint to the register. Pay, head out into the darkend parking lot, crack open the bottle, put it to my dry lips. Thoughts of springs and icey cool glaicers start filling my head. I look down at the bottle raised up at a high angle, I see the water flowing in my mouth now. At first I was just releived to finaly drink something. But then I was huanted by the fact that I couldn't really taste anything. I look at the bottle with a great stare. And it was exactally what I bought, but for a split second, I could've swore it said, "It's only water you SCHMUK!!" Fuck!
I was drunk all week. It was wonderful.
I'm actually really worried that I'll end up with one of those huge friends lists where I won't know who half the people are, so I'm going to be really picky and make sure I keep in touch with the people I already know.
The back of my head one is my favorite! Right now my set is "waiting to be queued", and then when it is queued it will come up in a couple weeks or something, but I have no idea when that will happen. All I can do is wait and wonder. Some girls have been waiting almost a year, and some go up in a few weeks.
I saw a guy walking down the street today who looked like you. Or at least like what I can tell from your pictures. Were you downtown this evening, by any chance? I highly doubt it really was you though...