Alrighty, another night of drinking over with, and already started on the next. And all I can say is, I'm so fucking done with beer. I cat see how anybody can drink that shit. Everyone always gives me crap cuz I dont drink beer, and than I say after my second or third Long Island, "Yer right, NaaahaaaI'am a pussy, (sorry if that afends anyone) fer na drinking beerha!" And than I throw out some loud comment and continue on. See, I'm one of those guys that doesn't talk a whole lot if I dont know you, so in order to keep the fun level up, I put a couple down. And in light of the fun level tonight, I threw on my nicest shirt.
Edited to add new info:
Oh my God, I'm never drinking again. Last night the party shirt made me WAY to popular.
Edited to add new info:
Oh my God, I'm never drinking again. Last night the party shirt made me WAY to popular.
I love everyone who's drugfree and doesnt drink. You can party without it, you can do what-fucking-ever you want anyway. Right now I wanna go to Brazil. Yeah. Fucking expensive though but I'm feeling bad about the swedish winter. It's horrible. Dark almost 24 h around and cold.