Rouge "Bicycle Gang" invades the streets of Portland last night!!............they call themselves.......Critical Mass!!!
Last night I was enjoying my nice cup of Jo outside one of the many coffee shops in down town P-Town. Then from out of no where, this low rent wunna be Hells Angels group cruises up on 10 speeds and procceds to shut the street down. There must have been 100 or so of them. Almost every one of them practicing safe bikeing and wearing their helmet. which makes no sence concidering they're main goal in life is to stop traffic by chanting and yelling in the middle of the road. Well I guess it does make a lot of sence. To a drunk driver they may look like targets. Thankfully Portlands finest were already swooping in and handing out tickets. This seemed to only fuel there fire. The chants got louder, and the smell worse. Something about Mass quantities of potchulie leaves one stomach a little weazie. One of the many spectators gave me the inside line on what they are all about. And here it is. This gang, "Critical Mass" is on the roads of Portland and shutting them down all in the name of bikers rights. Does that make any sence. Apperantly they want to get the word out about being a biker in the cities and being spitt on, doors open on them, and a whole nother shopping list of accusations. I'm a biker, and yeah, people yell and drive out of there way to spray you with the near by mudd puddle. This will never stop. So my advise to any biker is this. If you get hit by any automobile, you will LOSE! Maybe not in the court room. But remember this when your sitting in the court room in your wheel chair and sucking your food through a straw, the point you just tried to prove by being a arrogant biker, was just proven. I'm gonna hit the streets...peace
Last night I was enjoying my nice cup of Jo outside one of the many coffee shops in down town P-Town. Then from out of no where, this low rent wunna be Hells Angels group cruises up on 10 speeds and procceds to shut the street down. There must have been 100 or so of them. Almost every one of them practicing safe bikeing and wearing their helmet. which makes no sence concidering they're main goal in life is to stop traffic by chanting and yelling in the middle of the road. Well I guess it does make a lot of sence. To a drunk driver they may look like targets. Thankfully Portlands finest were already swooping in and handing out tickets. This seemed to only fuel there fire. The chants got louder, and the smell worse. Something about Mass quantities of potchulie leaves one stomach a little weazie. One of the many spectators gave me the inside line on what they are all about. And here it is. This gang, "Critical Mass" is on the roads of Portland and shutting them down all in the name of bikers rights. Does that make any sence. Apperantly they want to get the word out about being a biker in the cities and being spitt on, doors open on them, and a whole nother shopping list of accusations. I'm a biker, and yeah, people yell and drive out of there way to spray you with the near by mudd puddle. This will never stop. So my advise to any biker is this. If you get hit by any automobile, you will LOSE! Maybe not in the court room. But remember this when your sitting in the court room in your wheel chair and sucking your food through a straw, the point you just tried to prove by being a arrogant biker, was just proven. I'm gonna hit the streets...peace

Heh, drunk forklift driving sounds like great fun. No, my fifth of whiskey was consumed by five people, but mostly by four. It makes me not nearly as cool as it would be otherwise...