So I am home sick today and I kow I am going to get shit from the old boss man cuz today is suposse to be one of the busiest days due to the holiday. But, you know what i am so tired of driving to a job that is not offering riases anymore so then I am stuck in the same place going no where up the ladder or money wise so why work so ard with gas prices going higher and higher i should just go on fucken welfare and go back to school becuase i can't even get government help because i make to much but make to little to get a personal fucken loan so what is a girl to do hooking on the local highway is starting to look real good i know i would do good have all my teeth have no addiction but to smoking and so all muy money would really go to school instead of some bad habit that some of those ladies have FUCKEN UGH!!! I am so screwed.
*p.s.* i was just kinda teasing ya about the not texting me back thing. you've always been super cool in my book. and yea i wouldn't let any one, friend or woman, come between us. you know that im always here for you. if your ever feeling down just give me call or soemthing and i'll take ya out for some fun. i totally know how to distract, and amuse you