so yeah, some usual fucking drama happend last night. go out to dinner with my friend ashley, on the way there april calls looking for her asshole boyfriend, he wasnt with me.... (you can see where this is leading) after dinner me and ashley drive by their apartment to see if he is home. yep, he was home and was outside with some chick..... so I keep on driving, but then decide to go back and give him the benefit of the doubt. perhaps this girl is his sister or there is some responable explanation for this. well i turn back around and before i can even get out of my car he meets me at my door. im like what the fuck is going on... he had no legitimate answer, realized his ass just got CAUGHT. kindly told him not to fuck my best friend over anymore and that she would be the next person i called after i was done talking to him. called april, she left work and went over to her apartment, which she has shelled out probably close to 2000 bucks for and she found her shit packed and at the door. yep he packed her shit.....needless to say we spent the night plotting our revenge and figuring out what her next step should be.
on a much lighter note, had a really nice evening at my friend jesse's house getting drunk and dancing around her living room. weather was horrible so going out was not even an option. hurricanes suck, im sick of them already. went to sleep at jesse's, woke up to a hair dryer and cat crying. have a slight headache, but nothing too horrible. about to call april to see what she is doing. everyone keep her in your thoughts, she needs all the support she can get.
so glad i dont have to deal with this guy bullshit. i love boys, but i love that i dont have these issues anymore. kind of makes me never want to date again for fear of getting fucked over like that. oh well, its horrible outside and the worst hasnt even gotten here. damn rain, i am never going to be able to work on my car if it keeps up like this.
well people, hope you all are safe and dry. have as best of a weekend as you can. xoxoxoxoxoxo
on a much lighter note, had a really nice evening at my friend jesse's house getting drunk and dancing around her living room. weather was horrible so going out was not even an option. hurricanes suck, im sick of them already. went to sleep at jesse's, woke up to a hair dryer and cat crying. have a slight headache, but nothing too horrible. about to call april to see what she is doing. everyone keep her in your thoughts, she needs all the support she can get.
so glad i dont have to deal with this guy bullshit. i love boys, but i love that i dont have these issues anymore. kind of makes me never want to date again for fear of getting fucked over like that. oh well, its horrible outside and the worst hasnt even gotten here. damn rain, i am never going to be able to work on my car if it keeps up like this.
well people, hope you all are safe and dry. have as best of a weekend as you can. xoxoxoxoxoxo