today i awoke to two voicemail messages from that bastards little stripper friend. yeah can we say 18, but acting 12. it was ridiculously immature on their part to call me in the middle of the night (luckily my phone was off) and leave stupid messages on my machine. if it happens again they are going to get the call block message!!! dammit grow up!!!! anyways, sat at work and plotted my revenge on both of them. then realized i am acting no better then they are, so i just put my little evil thoughts to rest and concentrated on enjoying my day.
so here i am, my car is fixed, im off work, looking at some lovely ladies and after that I am going to go and workout!!! one thing is for sure, since this whole mess has occured my ass has been getting in shape. its amazing what utter hatred plus willpower and exercise will accomplish!!
anyways, how is everyone doing?? I cant wait til the SG DVD comes out, I wanted to see the show last year when they came around, but didnt get to make it
does anyone know if they will be doing another tour??
okay well everyone have a good evening, take care and until next time. xoxoxoxox
so here i am, my car is fixed, im off work, looking at some lovely ladies and after that I am going to go and workout!!! one thing is for sure, since this whole mess has occured my ass has been getting in shape. its amazing what utter hatred plus willpower and exercise will accomplish!!
anyways, how is everyone doing?? I cant wait til the SG DVD comes out, I wanted to see the show last year when they came around, but didnt get to make it
okay well everyone have a good evening, take care and until next time. xoxoxoxox
And you should call bolck her you don't wanna talk to her anyways right?