im watching monster garage where they redo a vw bug and they just spent 15,000 on an engine and 3,000 on a tranny. didnt even bat an eye, just "here ya go". seriously, this engine in a 1500 lb car is insanely, dangerously fast, but would be cool as hell to have!!! they redid the entire car in like 7 days..... they made it look too easy. it was kind of cool cause i have done some of the shit they did on the show. i was like, oh i did that!! hehe i love it. i didnt work on the car last weekend, but this weekend i am going to do something on it. anyways, its late and i need to sleep. night night. xoxoxox kristen

whats your next step on the bug?
go to the search section on myspace and search by email. my email is