here's a bit of my annoyed art work pointed at things i don't like
so hmmm, sleepy
if you could send a single telepathic thought as many times as you wanted what would that thought be?
* * *
when the worlds waves beat down upon you like the sun upon your back, you feel the char and blister far beneath your skin
the beaten down look in your father's eyes, seeing the deep smile lines tensed in pain
the naked desparation of need
knowing that every tear down her cheek is etched in your mind
watching a lonely plea for companionship returned with a false grin
soul burn

so hmmm, sleepy
if you could send a single telepathic thought as many times as you wanted what would that thought be?
* * *
when the worlds waves beat down upon you like the sun upon your back, you feel the char and blister far beneath your skin
the beaten down look in your father's eyes, seeing the deep smile lines tensed in pain
the naked desparation of need
knowing that every tear down her cheek is etched in your mind
watching a lonely plea for companionship returned with a false grin
soul burn

if you send me your email address I can send you a personal invitation to the group (ofcourse you're good enough) or there is a place to join on the page I think. Guess which one I am?
Well I have found something that I think is worth pursuing in Jeet Kune Do, something that has fascinated me since I first saw Enter the Dragon. It is just that there seem to be so many other things that I should or could be doing whether in politics, social justice, environmental issues, world hunger, etc. that it feels selfish just focusing on being a martial arts instructor. I am still confident that I can sort it out, I have decided to take it slow and have taken on a simple part time job in the mean time while I focus on my training.