so here i am again bored and feeling non productive. also annoyed. with everything being mass marketed for highest possible sales all companies produce only what will sell the best making most profits. while this makes good sense from a profitability standpoint it leaves those of us with odd tastes or a distaste for modern american consummerism kida high and dry. like this companies make products to be attractive to as high a % of the populace as possible while me in the remaining tiny % are either left buying at huge prices or making do without. this extends to everything be it consumer product, educational programs, job choices, or whatever. my current bitch is with education. there are very specific things i want/must learn in order to do some of the things i want to do. i'd love to go and take a bloody class but thanks to well rounded student curriculums i have to take 1 or two classes i don't want/have time for, per one class i do want. so i buy a book and muddle through it on my own. this is cheaper and more time effiecient but gives me zero credability.
"i can fly, throw cars, make your heathen mongoloid children look cute, balance your books build your house, and service your wife while you watch midget porn and boink your secretary in the back of your minvan."
" Thats great, now were did you go to school?"
" FUCK!!""
folks i work 60-70 hours a week and spend a huge chunk of my freetime just maintaining the little i have. i don't have time or dollars for two classes in professional ass kissing and office fantasy football fixing, just to take a class in bread board assembly so i can make some of the epuipment i've dreamed up.
so here are soem questions for you
is it a healthy society that makes it insanely difficult for non-norm thinkers to succeed by standardizeing every thing and stifling the vera' small but vital force of change represented by a couple %? (mind you i hope i fit into this catagory but who can say? i could just be another mindless drone haveing delusions of grandeur)
why is it that every one fosters this sort of "i am on the right path. it is the only path. your path is inferior. we are yuppy. you will be assimilated." attitude? do we have some sort of raical insecurity complex or what?
i don't give a shit what or how you worship or even if you do.(except maybe to learn more about it religions are interesting sort of a controlled insaneity with a higher purpose ) i am not offended by other peoples religous beliefs nor do i damn people at random (i do it very specifically in a well thought out manner... really... lol) so why do we as a race continually feel the need to defend the size of a deity's dick by slaughtering and debaseing every faith not our own?
why has modern man and his ancestors struggled so hard to make a world in which most people arent very happy? (the biggest market in america is escapism and it's trappings)
why are people so touchy? did you notice that i used almost entirely male pronouns in this? do you care? why? my point is when are people going to stop treating symptoms of things, like bigotry sexism racism and discrimination, like semantics and start dealing with the core issues ? you don't fight a forrest fire by peeing on the shrubbs folks.
why can't i spell today?
why do people who don't like to read always ask me what i'm reading?
why do they always ignore the answer and follow up with "is it good?"
"hey gabe watch'a read'n?"
"How to sell your coworkers into white slavery rings for fun and profit, by Enron."
"is it good?"
"no it's bloody awful you tit! that's why i'm on page 503!!"
oi sorry i feel better now
"i can fly, throw cars, make your heathen mongoloid children look cute, balance your books build your house, and service your wife while you watch midget porn and boink your secretary in the back of your minvan."
" Thats great, now were did you go to school?"
" FUCK!!""
folks i work 60-70 hours a week and spend a huge chunk of my freetime just maintaining the little i have. i don't have time or dollars for two classes in professional ass kissing and office fantasy football fixing, just to take a class in bread board assembly so i can make some of the epuipment i've dreamed up.
so here are soem questions for you
is it a healthy society that makes it insanely difficult for non-norm thinkers to succeed by standardizeing every thing and stifling the vera' small but vital force of change represented by a couple %? (mind you i hope i fit into this catagory but who can say? i could just be another mindless drone haveing delusions of grandeur)
why is it that every one fosters this sort of "i am on the right path. it is the only path. your path is inferior. we are yuppy. you will be assimilated." attitude? do we have some sort of raical insecurity complex or what?
i don't give a shit what or how you worship or even if you do.(except maybe to learn more about it religions are interesting sort of a controlled insaneity with a higher purpose ) i am not offended by other peoples religous beliefs nor do i damn people at random (i do it very specifically in a well thought out manner... really... lol) so why do we as a race continually feel the need to defend the size of a deity's dick by slaughtering and debaseing every faith not our own?
why has modern man and his ancestors struggled so hard to make a world in which most people arent very happy? (the biggest market in america is escapism and it's trappings)
why are people so touchy? did you notice that i used almost entirely male pronouns in this? do you care? why? my point is when are people going to stop treating symptoms of things, like bigotry sexism racism and discrimination, like semantics and start dealing with the core issues ? you don't fight a forrest fire by peeing on the shrubbs folks.
why can't i spell today?
why do people who don't like to read always ask me what i'm reading?
why do they always ignore the answer and follow up with "is it good?"
"hey gabe watch'a read'n?"
"How to sell your coworkers into white slavery rings for fun and profit, by Enron."
"is it good?"
"no it's bloody awful you tit! that's why i'm on page 503!!"
oi sorry i feel better now
Have a nice day sir.