so here i am
grinning big and poking fun

grinning big and poking fun

yayyy you are back. We missed ya.
Got to talk to your friend record finally you are so lucky to have her as a friend she is a doll, so sweet. take care hun and good to see you back around here in SG land. Huggss

Aww man, Gabriel - this room is about as relaxing/chill/amazing as it gets...except for when I am cramming for finals. Even now, however, it is still FUCKING SUPERB. Andddddddd - I can't wait to see you! I am sure your insane schedule and angst will slow down once again, and I am VERY glad that you are "curing." I come home on Thursday - oye. See you sometime next week mayhaps? And for sure when you come down to Columbus
Hooray - a visit from the one and only angel of the Lord...hehe...ok ENOUGH WITH THIS TERRIBLY LONG "COMMENT." Later, love. - Linds