Thanksgiving with my aunt and uncles family tomorrow. They love me and i them but it's so hard to watch them be a family. especially when my uncle looks so like my father.
On the upside i got to climb today and have blisters and bruises all over my hands
On the upside i got to climb today and have blisters and bruises all over my hands

Well. Only that the short thing that you wrote reminded me strongly of this:
"Is my daddy in there?" I whispered to him in the silence. He ignored me, so I leaned in closer, my lips touching the hairs, and asked him again. Then I saw his eyes spilling and shut my mouth so hard I bit my tongue. I could taste blood, metallic like the water from the fountain at school, licking its way to my teeth. I started to cry and put my hands to his cheeks once more, just like the cheeks I had touched in the sunshine by the pool, in the dimly lit hallways of our house, in my bed before I fell asleep.
"You look just like my daddy," I whispered. "You look just like my daddy." My uncle turned his head and began to sob as some gray-haired lady took me from his arms, my hands scraping his stubble as I was carried away.