Hmmm, I have decided that my first blog will be about the thing I love the most, my dog! His name is Danzig Toby. Everyone calls him Ziggy and he is pretty much my best friend in the whole entire universe.
Tricks Ziggy can do:
Bro Fist.
High Five.
Sit Pretty.
Lay Down.
Get Toys.
Ziggy was born on my seventeenth birthday, so we celebrate our birthdays together!
Ziggy will eat anything and everything that he receives.
He's a black Poodle-Chihuahua mix and a rescue.
Ziggy is the love of my life and even though it's a bit strange to write my first blog about my dog, he will be mentioned in most of my other ones so I figured we should just get the introduction out of the way now.
Tricks Ziggy can do:
Bro Fist.
High Five.
Sit Pretty.
Lay Down.
Get Toys.
Ziggy was born on my seventeenth birthday, so we celebrate our birthdays together!
Ziggy will eat anything and everything that he receives.
He's a black Poodle-Chihuahua mix and a rescue.
Ziggy is the love of my life and even though it's a bit strange to write my first blog about my dog, he will be mentioned in most of my other ones so I figured we should just get the introduction out of the way now.

Predator: "I know sir"
Chris: "You know what?"
Predator: "This show"
Chris: "To Catch A Predator"
Predator: "Im not a Predator sir, I was pretending"
Chris: "A pretend Predator?"
Predator: "No sir I was curious"
Chris: "A curious Predator?"
I laughed my ass, sucks they canceled the show.
Chris: "So you were going to have sex with a teenage girl?"
Predator: "Yes sir."
Chris: "What do you have to say for yourself?"
Predator: *Shrugs* "Oops?"
They caught the same guy doing the same thing a few months later:
Chris: "Seriously?!"
Predator: "Oops?"
My face: