After Work

On the bright side, tomorrow at seven, you will all get to see me naked!

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Sansa said:
I'm actually not sure what happened to the neighbors, the dog got taken away though
I am a HUGE fan of snakes and spiders. Pink toed tarantulas and ball pythons are the best! I also have a soft spot for sugar gliders and the Slow Loris. I just love all animals!
What about yourself?
Good, hopefully this time the dog has an owner that will take better care. as much as you love all animals you probably know they dont love you as much its nothing personal they just have this animal instinct thing, mine would have to be Leemer, Sloths, Bangel Tiger a Chamelion and an orangatang. I know odd choice but if I had the money id by each one. How are you finding the sites?
Tricks Ziggy can do:
Bro Fist.
High Five.
Sit Pretty.
Lay Down.
Get Toys.
Ziggy was born on my seventeenth...
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Predator: "I know sir"
Chris: "You know what?"
Predator: "This show"
Chris: "To Catch A Predator"
Predator: "Im not a Predator sir, I was pretending"
Chris: "A pretend Predator?"
Predator: "No sir I was curious"
Chris: "A curious Predator?"
I laughed my ass, sucks they canceled the show.
Chris: "So you were going to have sex with a teenage girl?"
Predator: "Yes sir."
Chris: "What do you have to say for yourself?"
Predator: *Shrugs* "Oops?"
They caught the same guy doing the same thing a few months later:
Chris: "Seriously?!"
Predator: "Oops?"
My face:
