For the past couple of weeks now I have had to endure this cold/flu/cough thing that just doesn't seem to want to go away. GO AWAY! When I first got it, it was like any other cold, you feel like shit, nose runs, coughing and all that. Then it reduced itself to just a cough... now it is back to being runny nose and feeling tired all the time. Maybe I should go to the doctor... I hate doctors... the last time I went to the doctor, I got the wrong medication. I was misdiagnosed. After I got over my sickness, a massive rash developed all over my body. I looked like The Thing from Fantastic Four. All of this occurred during my uni holidays back when I was still going. I hate doctors.
God this world would be so much better if we didn't get sick... or if we didn't have to sleep! I would love the choice not to sleep if I didn't have to. Maybe I would have enough time to do those things that I really want to do. Although if that were true, our work lives would probably still take over that extra time we have. Instead of having a 8 hour day, we would have like a 14 to 16 hour day... that would suck. I work too much as it is. I would so experience the world if I were able to pay the bills with it. I hate being stuck in the one place all the time. I want to see places I haven't seen before. See things developed from centuries ago. I would love to see the pyramids and the Great Wall. Hell I'll take the now taken down Berlin Wall. I want to speak another language so that when I am driving in another country, I can abuse them with my road rage in there native tongue.
But no doubt I will just stay at home and lick the cats butt.
Keep rocking suicidals!
God this world would be so much better if we didn't get sick... or if we didn't have to sleep! I would love the choice not to sleep if I didn't have to. Maybe I would have enough time to do those things that I really want to do. Although if that were true, our work lives would probably still take over that extra time we have. Instead of having a 8 hour day, we would have like a 14 to 16 hour day... that would suck. I work too much as it is. I would so experience the world if I were able to pay the bills with it. I hate being stuck in the one place all the time. I want to see places I haven't seen before. See things developed from centuries ago. I would love to see the pyramids and the Great Wall. Hell I'll take the now taken down Berlin Wall. I want to speak another language so that when I am driving in another country, I can abuse them with my road rage in there native tongue.
But no doubt I will just stay at home and lick the cats butt.
Keep rocking suicidals!
I wish I had more of a chance to talk to you at the Art Gallery last weekend, I was in date-mode. Meh. That's over anyway .. what are you up to this weekend? Hope to catch up soon 

i have the flu at the moment too. it sucks balls.