I find myself in a very strange position today. Well I have been in this position for a few weeks now... I find myself homeless. This is not to say that I don't have a place to stay. In fact, I am in the house that I have been in for the past 9 months. However due to the usually hassles that come through moving in with friends (never move in with friends, it can only be trouble), I made the decision that I must vacate this area. I hate people's unpredictable nature. I also hate their predictable nature. Either way I'm screwed. Two of my roomies hate the fact that I am learning guitar. Do you think this makes me stop... HAHA!! This only causes more tension because metal runs through my veins!!! I need to be able to express it in song!!! Guitar is the best for that. One day I will be a master... and my roomies won't be invited to see me play. They will have to pay like the rest of my fans... all 5 of them. They will be known as the insane 5. Those 5 fans will go from dingy bar to local watering hole to see me play and will probably include my Mum. And yes... your Mum can be included as a fan despite what others may say.
So I am looking for a house to rent in November... god help me...
Keep rocking SG!!!
So I am looking for a house to rent in November... god help me...
Keep rocking SG!!!
Can't believe how many of those tossers were at the festival!
Dylan is awesome, I've followed I Nation around for ages.... but only just recently worked up the courage to say hi.
Refer to here and here and here also.
Of course, there are others... but I'm a massive fan. I can't wait for the album. I feel kinda stalker-ish. But how lucky am I that one of my fave bands ever is from my hometown?!
How goes the learning guitar?