HA HA. It has been way too long since I last blogged. And yet what is funny is that nothing has really changed. Still working as a doormat for my company... however there may be a light at the end of tunnel. My awesome girl Kelly has been, in her wisdom, sending my jobs in the human service industry that are in management... and I'm...
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Where the hell are you?
Agreed, where are youuuuuu? 

Last blog... JULY 29th! WHOLEY CRAP!!! (Yes I did mean a crap in its complete form.) Time to sum up the last month...
Went to work...
Got home many hours later...
Crashed on my couch...
Got up to go to work...
Wow that is really sad.
I found myself with a free ticket to a concert the other day. I had always heard of these...
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Went to work...
Got home many hours later...
Crashed on my couch...
Got up to go to work...
Wow that is really sad.
I found myself with a free ticket to a concert the other day. I had always heard of these...
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There is a place for you booked at tomorrow's dinner, so just come if you can! Let me know when you know about rosters, etc. Would be great to see you.

hello back! its been far too long!
work worse than usual? fuck it must be bad! I hope the new worker turns out, you god damn need a holiday! you need to get out and see me! im not ever very busy, so whenever you have a night free, or if your ever planning on going out in the valley, to 299 or something, let me know! you still have my number?
I was working, then i quit, now im poor and about to start tafe. so its all a little stressful, but i know ill get by!
miss you heaps!
new blog time for you!?
work worse than usual? fuck it must be bad! I hope the new worker turns out, you god damn need a holiday! you need to get out and see me! im not ever very busy, so whenever you have a night free, or if your ever planning on going out in the valley, to 299 or something, let me know! you still have my number?
I was working, then i quit, now im poor and about to start tafe. so its all a little stressful, but i know ill get by!
miss you heaps!
new blog time for you!?
So it has been ages since I have been online last. Let me bring you all up to speed as to why I haven't been able to get online.
For the past 2 months I have been in the process of changing employers as I have come to realise that the place I currently work for, my infact be ripping us employees off buy underpaying...
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For the past 2 months I have been in the process of changing employers as I have come to realise that the place I currently work for, my infact be ripping us employees off buy underpaying...
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are you working tonight? or will you be out an about?
IM your number, or send me a text so i have a way to contact you incase we are both on the town!
oh and i loved your testemonial.. it was so sweet.
IM your number, or send me a text so i have a way to contact you incase we are both on the town!
oh and i loved your testemonial.. it was so sweet.
I've been working heaps. Caught up with _Ghost last Friday night, got to talking about you. Apparently you're a very lovely person that I should hang out with more
Hope to see you soon dear. Maybe next Friday in the Valley at the Blink opening?

Hope to see you soon dear. Maybe next Friday in the Valley at the Blink opening?
It has been way too long since I have last posted on this site. A huge sorry to all my friends for not being on the boards or leaving you guys comments. To those of my friends who have just lost a friend, I am truly sorry for your loss and hope you survive the pain you are going through at the moment.
It has...
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It has...
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oh that photo of us was before we went to rics, yomi took it of us at the gallery. its cute. ill get a copy to you when i see you!
how have you been? working lots i assume. hope all is well.
how have you been? working lots i assume. hope all is well.
Ohhh you cheeky sonofa....
Yes I do! Unless of course they actually do feel pain in similar amounts to mine... or hell, more...
How the hell are ya, anyway you! *pokes*
You're in Melbourne, amirite? Lucky bastard... *mutters*

How the hell are ya, anyway you! *pokes*

You're in Melbourne, amirite? Lucky bastard... *mutters*
For the past couple of weeks now I have had to endure this cold/flu/cough thing that just doesn't seem to want to go away. GO AWAY! When I first got it, it was like any other cold, you feel like shit, nose runs, coughing and all that. Then it reduced itself to just a cough... now it is back to being runny nose and feeling...
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I wish I had more of a chance to talk to you at the Art Gallery last weekend, I was in date-mode. Meh. That's over anyway .. what are you up to this weekend? Hope to catch up soon 

i have the flu at the moment too. it sucks balls.
Unfortunately no, I forgot 

So I just got back from the Brisbane meet up at Garuva Restaurant. Probably one of the best nights I have had that didn't include Heavy Metal (apart from my iPod, to and from the event) or hooking up with a girl. I think there was about 20 people who went. Unfortunately I didn't get to talk to you all but those of you who...
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yes i will definately be there, i live just out of the city so its never hard for me to get to these things. i cant wait for pancakes! pancakes for dinner! you wont be hungry after those pancakes!
how many more times can i say PANCAKES!!!!
how many more times can i say PANCAKES!!!!
yes i would say ill be going, unless im abducted by aliens or some hot boy with brown eyes and has the word "bambi" in his name
out of body experience. hmmm for that see my last journal hehe

out of body experience. hmmm for that see my last journal hehe

Last night... too much rum and coke... not enough sleep... greasy breakfast... sick in the gut... greasy food's fault... why do I do this to myself... oh yeah... good times...
ugh, glad im not your tummy 

So today I did the Brisbane City Freeze day thingy. It was too funny. For those who don't know what it is, the Freeze day thing is basically heaps of people freezing into one position for 5 minutes in a crowded area just to confuse the hell out of everyone. I almost cracked up laughing only 10 seconds into the freeze when I over heard...
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bullshit bullshit bullshit ! back off its ours !!!!!
you always try to steal our shit, oh i have another one to add to that list!
you always try to steal our shit, oh i have another one to add to that list!
no no no never !
you can have russel crowe, hes a knob stain!
you can have russel crowe, hes a knob stain!
Shotgun!? Now now, isn't that a bit extreme...
Aww you guys are so lucky!! If for some reason you get near him... would you touch him for me? Then DON'T wash your hand. Haha I'm only kidding. (I'm not actually).

Aww you guys are so lucky!! If for some reason you get near him... would you touch him for me? Then DON'T wash your hand. Haha I'm only kidding. (I'm not actually).
I see a new photo!
My lips are sealed... I'll tell no one!
I've never seen him live.
Actually I've only ever seen a couple of comedians live. I think you're in for a treat though! In terms of comedy, I mean, not visually... unless you think Ross is hot, then I guess you'd be visually pleased also. I suspect we don't have that in common though.
My lips are sealed... I'll tell no one!
I've never seen him live.

So today is the first time in I think 10 or 11 days now that I have had off from work. Let's just say it is well and truely overdue. Yesterday I found myself becoming very irritable with one of my clients... he was no different from normal... I just really wanted some time off. I had to apologise to him actually for being in...
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ah yeah theres some big girls over these ways, mostly maoris or pacific islanders, kind of scary really. And they act all gangsta and shit, it drives me up the fucking wall!
Haha it's okay, I'm sure I can spare a second round of prizes
I'm not a crazy driver, I promise!! Not yet, anyway...
Friday night at home and I'm watching Mean Girls. It's sad, I still enjoy this the second time around. Oh dear!
Weekend ahoy!

I'm not a crazy driver, I promise!! Not yet, anyway...
Friday night at home and I'm watching Mean Girls. It's sad, I still enjoy this the second time around. Oh dear!
Weekend ahoy!
Working in the world of disabilities has brought many wonderful times. However none has been as awesome as the experience I had yesterday...
So there I was with my young client, sitting on the train entering the city. On the outside my client looks just like everyone else. Most sales people will actually acknowledge him before they acknowledge me, which is humorous in itself as...
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So there I was with my young client, sitting on the train entering the city. On the outside my client looks just like everyone else. Most sales people will actually acknowledge him before they acknowledge me, which is humorous in itself as...
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Haha, I'd tell you where I got it too, but my mate bought it for me, framed and all! I'm lucky
I have a few smaller pics around from a calender I got for Xmas in 2005 or something. Hot stuff!
Do you know of an old teev show called Twin Peaks? It aired here in the very early ninties. Obviously I never saw it when it was on, but I got a hold of it a few years ago. Cult classic bloody show, if you get a chance watch both 2 seasons and the movie: Fire, Walk With Me (only watch the movie after you've seen the whole series though, it's a prologue and has all the answers)
Anyway... so that phrase is from a poem from the show, which you can read here.
It holds meaning to me, but all in all, it'll just be my first tatt that I'm getting for the coolness factor
Have a great night!!

I have a few smaller pics around from a calender I got for Xmas in 2005 or something. Hot stuff!
Do you know of an old teev show called Twin Peaks? It aired here in the very early ninties. Obviously I never saw it when it was on, but I got a hold of it a few years ago. Cult classic bloody show, if you get a chance watch both 2 seasons and the movie: Fire, Walk With Me (only watch the movie after you've seen the whole series though, it's a prologue and has all the answers)
Anyway... so that phrase is from a poem from the show, which you can read here.
It holds meaning to me, but all in all, it'll just be my first tatt that I'm getting for the coolness factor

Have a great night!!

good story, peoples ignorance saddens me..as does my atrocious spelling