Its popular on facebook...
1. My first boyfriend's name was Robert. He played trumpet in the band and his face got super red when he played. I have no idea what the initial attraction was. And I don't even remember how it came to be that we started dating. I think perhaps my friend Sarah, who lived only a few houses down from him, mentioned that I had a crush on him. I don't remember who asked who what. But we were together for a year.
2. By chance I find myself working for a bio tech company. I just so happened to be looking for a job at the same time my sister was looking for someone for the engineering group. This is the longest job I've ever had. A year and two months.
3. I have had a total of 17 jobs. I've only been fired from one. A shoe store. Because I sold too many mismates (a size 7 and a 7.5... or maybe two left shoes).
4. I've recently had a pretty stupid struggle with anxiety. And with the anxiety, really horrible panic attacks. So I started to see a physiologist about two months ago, but have decided to see a psychiatrist as well to see if they think I should take medication. I was reluctant at first. But panic attacks are really terrifying and I need them to stop.
5. I lost Papa last year. It sucks. Its been hard. But I had a mini-breakthrough last weekend. While talking to my brother I realized that I was talking about Papa like he was still around. I can't even remember what we were talking about. But everything made sense again for a short period of time. I was comforted by the thought that Papa was still with me even though he's gone. I think about him everyday.
6. I like the aisle in stores with all the pens and paper. I don't know why. I've always been like that. I get excited when I see a new shade of Sharpie. Or when Mead has come up with a new notebook. Or some other cool office supply.
7. I am mildly obsessed with Athens, Ga. I admit it. I can't help myself! How is it that one town has been the source of some of the best music ever written. There must be some sort of magnetic field that runs through that area of Georgia.
8. I have two favorite art movements. Art Nouveau and Abstract Expressionism. Alphonse Mucha is probably my favorite artist even though most of his stuff was advertisements. I don't think anyone has been able to make people look as beautiful as Mucha has. I also love Marcel Duchamp. Because he was like "suck it" and turned a toilet into a fountain.
9. The only thing I truely miss about high school is marching band. I miss the hot apple cider and the clam chouder. Signing up for Bus 2 as quickly as I could so I wouldn't be separated from my friends. Walking to Yanni's to get candy and a grinder and having a picnic in the graveyard by the dump. Flirting with Mark on the way home from the Holiday Parade that one year. And that bass drum line that Dave had in Baba Yaga.
10. I'd like to one day open a Guatemalan restaurant. I realize that that dream is going to be a difficult one to attain. But maybe one day when I'm 40 or 50 I will make it happen.
11. I knew when I was little... like 6 or 7... that I wanted to do art all of the time. All I wanted to be when I grew up was an artist. When I was 12, after I saw Toy Story, I decided that I wanted to work for Pixar. I, unfortunately, didn't work very hard at all towards that goal. I got awards in high school and at UCONN for art, but for some reason convinced myself that I was no where near good enough to be an artist for Pixar. I let that dream go a while ago. I don't even think its what I want anymore. I'm not sure what I want to do anymore.
12. I gave up Christianity in one conversation with my youth leader, Tiffany. I had become very confused with it after my best friend, Cole, came out of the closet in 8th grade. I asked Tiffany about it and she said that Cole was going to Hell. I decided that I didn't think that it was right that someone so good would have to go to Hell over something so stupid.
13. I regret one thing about leaving UCONN, and thats that I didn't finish my degree in Women's Studies. UCONN's WS degree is actually pretty good. And they offered a lot of classes on women in the media and radio and about Latina women. While I think that if I stayed in CT I probably would have offed myself, I still wish I had finished that degree. Maybe I'll finish it someday.
14. I also majored in art. It was bullshit. I'm glad I left that program. I miss printmaking class, though. I wish I had paid more attention.
15. I've recently decided that when it comes to having kids I am going to be an all or nothing type of person. Either I have zero kids or I have three. I can't imagine what its like to be an only child and I don't think I'd want to have just one. I think back to what it could have been like if I was an only child and my life would have been completely differant. Who would I have to turn to when Mama or Papa were having a fight? Or who would I have spent countless hours playing video games with? Or going to shows with? Who's hair would I have played with? I can't imagine not having siblings. So if I have them they won't be alone.
16. I have started to really reconcider the way I get crushes on people. Amazingly enough, right now I am not particularly into anyone. Which is a weird feeling, honestly. I am usually fixated on someone. But I think the last serious thang I had for someone failed so horribly that I am trying very hard to not repeat it. I tend to get into people who live far away. Like. Really far. Like at least 900 miles. I don't know how it happens. Like BFF says "when I'm looking at you through a telescopic lens thats when its easier for me to use my imagination, but when I'm looking at you through a microscopic lens thats when it harder for me to pretend" (buy their albums, they're so good).
17. I've really gotten into tea. Right now. On my desk at work. I have Chamomile, two kinds of Earl Grey, Kava, Breathe Easy, Darjeeling, Chai, and two kinds of green tea. At home I have a bunch more. Its really calming, I've found. Yes. I enjoy tea a great deal.
18. I have a gazillion things planned to work on over the next six months. I would like to: set up a darkroom, learn to screenprint, make a quilt, and crochet sackboys for my family (Little Big Planet). All of these things are going to take a lot of time to accomplish. Hopefully I can get them all started before Spring and Summer hits and I will never be at home.
19. I'd like to start recording shows as well. I am looking into getting a handheld recorder.
20. I have a spending problem. This has always been the case since my first paycheck that I spent on a camcorder. One day I'll start to be responsible when it comes to money. One day.
21. I have the COOLEST little sister in the world. I have decided. She's intelligent, confident, talented at both guitar and the drums, she's a sweetheart, loyal, adorable, and just downright awesome. She's the best thing that could have happened to this family.
22. I have also decided to be outside as much as possible in the Summer. I didn't do that enough last Summer and I really wish I had. I don't think I ever recovered from last winter because I was inside all the time. Not this year. This year I am going to be outside for at least an hour or two a day. Biking home from work and planting/sowing a garden.
23. My favorite thing to do outside is to fly a kite. I don't know what it is specifically that makes kite flying so fun. Perhaps because of how simple it is. You can just sit there with some friends, talk, drink a beer or smoke a cig and just chill out. I just love it.
24. I like driving. I like driving long distances. I used to like to get in my car and drive out into the middle of nowhere and then just turn around and come back. I like it when I am in a car and someone takes a different route that I've never seen before. Something about the vibrations in a car put me at ease when I have a stomach ache. However, being in a car in the snow makes me so nervous I can barely breathe.
25. I spend too much time on the internet and not enough in real life.
1. My first boyfriend's name was Robert. He played trumpet in the band and his face got super red when he played. I have no idea what the initial attraction was. And I don't even remember how it came to be that we started dating. I think perhaps my friend Sarah, who lived only a few houses down from him, mentioned that I had a crush on him. I don't remember who asked who what. But we were together for a year.
2. By chance I find myself working for a bio tech company. I just so happened to be looking for a job at the same time my sister was looking for someone for the engineering group. This is the longest job I've ever had. A year and two months.
3. I have had a total of 17 jobs. I've only been fired from one. A shoe store. Because I sold too many mismates (a size 7 and a 7.5... or maybe two left shoes).
4. I've recently had a pretty stupid struggle with anxiety. And with the anxiety, really horrible panic attacks. So I started to see a physiologist about two months ago, but have decided to see a psychiatrist as well to see if they think I should take medication. I was reluctant at first. But panic attacks are really terrifying and I need them to stop.
5. I lost Papa last year. It sucks. Its been hard. But I had a mini-breakthrough last weekend. While talking to my brother I realized that I was talking about Papa like he was still around. I can't even remember what we were talking about. But everything made sense again for a short period of time. I was comforted by the thought that Papa was still with me even though he's gone. I think about him everyday.
6. I like the aisle in stores with all the pens and paper. I don't know why. I've always been like that. I get excited when I see a new shade of Sharpie. Or when Mead has come up with a new notebook. Or some other cool office supply.
7. I am mildly obsessed with Athens, Ga. I admit it. I can't help myself! How is it that one town has been the source of some of the best music ever written. There must be some sort of magnetic field that runs through that area of Georgia.
8. I have two favorite art movements. Art Nouveau and Abstract Expressionism. Alphonse Mucha is probably my favorite artist even though most of his stuff was advertisements. I don't think anyone has been able to make people look as beautiful as Mucha has. I also love Marcel Duchamp. Because he was like "suck it" and turned a toilet into a fountain.
9. The only thing I truely miss about high school is marching band. I miss the hot apple cider and the clam chouder. Signing up for Bus 2 as quickly as I could so I wouldn't be separated from my friends. Walking to Yanni's to get candy and a grinder and having a picnic in the graveyard by the dump. Flirting with Mark on the way home from the Holiday Parade that one year. And that bass drum line that Dave had in Baba Yaga.
10. I'd like to one day open a Guatemalan restaurant. I realize that that dream is going to be a difficult one to attain. But maybe one day when I'm 40 or 50 I will make it happen.
11. I knew when I was little... like 6 or 7... that I wanted to do art all of the time. All I wanted to be when I grew up was an artist. When I was 12, after I saw Toy Story, I decided that I wanted to work for Pixar. I, unfortunately, didn't work very hard at all towards that goal. I got awards in high school and at UCONN for art, but for some reason convinced myself that I was no where near good enough to be an artist for Pixar. I let that dream go a while ago. I don't even think its what I want anymore. I'm not sure what I want to do anymore.
12. I gave up Christianity in one conversation with my youth leader, Tiffany. I had become very confused with it after my best friend, Cole, came out of the closet in 8th grade. I asked Tiffany about it and she said that Cole was going to Hell. I decided that I didn't think that it was right that someone so good would have to go to Hell over something so stupid.
13. I regret one thing about leaving UCONN, and thats that I didn't finish my degree in Women's Studies. UCONN's WS degree is actually pretty good. And they offered a lot of classes on women in the media and radio and about Latina women. While I think that if I stayed in CT I probably would have offed myself, I still wish I had finished that degree. Maybe I'll finish it someday.
14. I also majored in art. It was bullshit. I'm glad I left that program. I miss printmaking class, though. I wish I had paid more attention.
15. I've recently decided that when it comes to having kids I am going to be an all or nothing type of person. Either I have zero kids or I have three. I can't imagine what its like to be an only child and I don't think I'd want to have just one. I think back to what it could have been like if I was an only child and my life would have been completely differant. Who would I have to turn to when Mama or Papa were having a fight? Or who would I have spent countless hours playing video games with? Or going to shows with? Who's hair would I have played with? I can't imagine not having siblings. So if I have them they won't be alone.
16. I have started to really reconcider the way I get crushes on people. Amazingly enough, right now I am not particularly into anyone. Which is a weird feeling, honestly. I am usually fixated on someone. But I think the last serious thang I had for someone failed so horribly that I am trying very hard to not repeat it. I tend to get into people who live far away. Like. Really far. Like at least 900 miles. I don't know how it happens. Like BFF says "when I'm looking at you through a telescopic lens thats when its easier for me to use my imagination, but when I'm looking at you through a microscopic lens thats when it harder for me to pretend" (buy their albums, they're so good).
17. I've really gotten into tea. Right now. On my desk at work. I have Chamomile, two kinds of Earl Grey, Kava, Breathe Easy, Darjeeling, Chai, and two kinds of green tea. At home I have a bunch more. Its really calming, I've found. Yes. I enjoy tea a great deal.
18. I have a gazillion things planned to work on over the next six months. I would like to: set up a darkroom, learn to screenprint, make a quilt, and crochet sackboys for my family (Little Big Planet). All of these things are going to take a lot of time to accomplish. Hopefully I can get them all started before Spring and Summer hits and I will never be at home.
19. I'd like to start recording shows as well. I am looking into getting a handheld recorder.
20. I have a spending problem. This has always been the case since my first paycheck that I spent on a camcorder. One day I'll start to be responsible when it comes to money. One day.
21. I have the COOLEST little sister in the world. I have decided. She's intelligent, confident, talented at both guitar and the drums, she's a sweetheart, loyal, adorable, and just downright awesome. She's the best thing that could have happened to this family.
22. I have also decided to be outside as much as possible in the Summer. I didn't do that enough last Summer and I really wish I had. I don't think I ever recovered from last winter because I was inside all the time. Not this year. This year I am going to be outside for at least an hour or two a day. Biking home from work and planting/sowing a garden.
23. My favorite thing to do outside is to fly a kite. I don't know what it is specifically that makes kite flying so fun. Perhaps because of how simple it is. You can just sit there with some friends, talk, drink a beer or smoke a cig and just chill out. I just love it.
24. I like driving. I like driving long distances. I used to like to get in my car and drive out into the middle of nowhere and then just turn around and come back. I like it when I am in a car and someone takes a different route that I've never seen before. Something about the vibrations in a car put me at ease when I have a stomach ache. However, being in a car in the snow makes me so nervous I can barely breathe.
25. I spend too much time on the internet and not enough in real life.
So Im totally behind. and I saw that you commented on my pics... I dont know if responding si what youre supposed to do soooo... hey.
I'm sorry anyone that has TV's as tats are way cool. That is so awesome.. I want to get knives and pans.. cause all I do is eat.. haha