its 70 degrees and partly cloudy.... its soooo fucking BEAutiful outside... i have the windows and the doors open.. it makes this day very tolerable!!
tomorrow i buy my plane tickets for vacation at the end of the month... i get to see sooo many people.. all of which i have not seen in a year..
i did have one bad thing happen today... my brother called me from iraq.. crying... he thinks he s going to have to get divorced... i wanted to hug him soo badly and go smack his wife in the face and tell her to get her shit together.. i think i have heard or seen my brother cry maybe 5 times in his life
heres my boy..... drunk as all hell
tomorrow i buy my plane tickets for vacation at the end of the month... i get to see sooo many people.. all of which i have not seen in a year..
i did have one bad thing happen today... my brother called me from iraq.. crying... he thinks he s going to have to get divorced... i wanted to hug him soo badly and go smack his wife in the face and tell her to get her shit together.. i think i have heard or seen my brother cry maybe 5 times in his life

heres my boy..... drunk as all hell

Your brother is halfway around the world, risking his life and his wife is talking divorce? Awesome.